
Friday, July 13, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

Woah! Has this been a busy week here at Crunchy Creamy Sweet or what? :) 

But let's start from the beginning.

Here is the Weekend Wrap-Up.

Previously, on CCS:

Monday - I thought it would just slip unnoticed as I was not quite pleased with my results of the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls, but you guys loved the balls and my photo. THANK YOU!

Tuesday - was spicy and tech-y! Grilled Jalapeno and Lime Topping rocked our taste buds and I asked for your advice about smartphone apps. Keep 'em coming!

Wednesday - I proved that oven or not, I can still bake a cake. Ha! :) Slow Cooker Carrot Cake served in a jar and my take on TomKat split.

Thursday - was very special! Anne, the author of From My Sweet Heart and my dear foodie blogger friend, stopped by with a plate full of Cosmopolitan Cocktail Bars - my newest obsession!

Friday - I joined the #TomatoLove hosted by Cassie from Bake Your Day and Ali from Gimme Some Oven with my Tomato and Onion Bruschetta with Easy Lime Vinaigrette.

This week was full of sweet AND spicy recipes. I hope you enjoyed every single one of them.

On Friday, I woke up to find that Amy from She Wears Many Hats ( yes!!! that Amy!!! I know!! Wooohoooo!!! ) made my no-bake chocolate cheesecake and absolutely loved it! You can see her step-by-step tutorial with photos on Tasty Kitchen. Go! Now! Check it out! 

I will see you back here on Monday for another installment of CCC Monday!

Have a fabulous weekend!


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  1. What a fabulous week! Have a great weekend, Anna :)

  2. What a fantastic week Anna! Goodness.... I realize I missed some of your posts. :( Now I'm off to check them out....

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend. ~ Ramona

  3. Have a great weekend too...I think I had a dream about those Cosmo Cocktail Bars...I'm sure of it.

    1. haha :) It's your sweet mind telling you to try them! :) Thank you, Cathy!

  4. Congratulations on having one of your recipes picked up by Amy....super cool. You served up some mighty fabulous food this week. Love the cake in the jars!!

  5. A fabulous week indeed Anna! I'm off to read your posts :) Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by xo

  6. What a lovely week of recipes, Amy!!! Off to check a few out :)

  7. Wow, you've been busy. They all look so amazing. I'm particularly fond of the sweet stuff but you know me and sweet treats by now, hehe. The slow cooker carrot cake looks amazing.

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking

  8. Hope you had a great weekend! Looks like you did! I love that image of the chopped chocolate - yum !


Sweet thoughts