
Monday, July 16, 2012

CCC Monday: Waffle Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Before we get to the cookies.... 

1. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that my sweet little Boy made his first steps! We are over the moon! He is walking more and more everyday and as soon we start clapping and exclaiming our excitement - he plops on his bottom. :) He is such an adorable kid! Pics coming soon! :)

2. You might have noticed some changes here on Crunchy Creamy Sweet. In fact, if you stopped by here in the last few days, you may have even got dizzy from rotation of my blogs elements, some things disappearing and some appearing.
Well, there will be even more... Sorry... I am in the process of moving the blog to a self-hosted Wordpress and overall making-over the blog design. I am really lucky my Hubby is good in this stuff, or I would be in a World of trouble. It's a lot of work! I didn't expect it to happen so quickly but we decided it would be good to have it done before the blog turns 1 year-old. Just a little birthday gift. :)

Anyways, I hope you will be patient with me. I will be posting as usual and eventually will move everything and settle in Wordpress. I will keep you updated!

3. Last Friday, I woke up to find out that Amy, from She Wears Many Hats, tried my recipe for the No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake! I had to breathe in a bag to calm down from the excitement! I hope you got to see her step-by-step photo tutorial on Tasty Kitchen blog. If not, what are you waiting for? :)

Ok, now onto cookies.

I bet there were few raised eyebrows when you saw the title of today's CCC Monday, huh? :)
Well, I found yet another way to make chocolate chip cookies without turning the oven on and still be able to enjoy a crispy chipper.

Enter waffle maker.

I have to say, I was skeptical when I saw this recipe. But nevertheless intrigued. I had to try it!

How did they turn out? Pretty good actually. But there are few tricks to this method.

1. The dough is more a batter than a dough. But don't let that fool you. It will be a little watery after you mix all the ingredients together and you can even place it in the fridge while preheating your waffle maker, so the dough will set a little.
2. I recommend using mini chocolate chips or chocolate chunks for this version. 
3. You really have to keep an eye on these. They burn fast! Of course, it depends on the temperature setting of your waffle maker, but you should know your little gadget and adjust the settings as needed. I have a Cuisinart waffle maker and I set it on 3.
4. Let them cool and they will be crunchy. At first, they feel... well,... like waffles. Soft. But then as they cool, they get crispy like cookies.
5. It's a fun way to cheat the heat and still enjoy a crunchy cookie! The kiddos love this idea! The dough is so easy to prepare that they can help with stirring it. 

Waffle Chocolate Chunk Cookies

makes: about 3 dozen

1/2 c packed brown sugar
1/4 c granulated sugar
1/2 c butter, melted
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 c + 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 c mini chocolate chips or chopped chocolate bar ( I used 1/2 bar of Hershey Special Dark )

In a microwave-safe measuring cup, melt 1/2 cup of butter. 
Pour it into a medium mixing bowl. Set aside
In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients ( flour, soda and salt ).
Add chocolate chips or chunks to dry ingredients. Stir.
Add both sugars to your melted butter and stir together until smooth. 
Add egg and vanilla and stir again.
Add the dry ingredients with chocolate and fold it in. Do not over mix.
You can place the bowl with your dough in the fridge while preheating your waffle maker.
Scoop the dough by teaspoons and bake for about 2 minutes. Check on the cookies. You can bake them for another 30 seconds if you want them more brown and eventually more crunchy. 
Let cool on a wire rack. They will crispy up as they cool.

How was your weekend? Anything excited you want to share?


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  1. Oh wow, these cookies look so perfect and professional! I loved the picture.

  2. These Waffle cookies are so cute Anna!! Congratulations on your sweet son's first steps too. I miss those precious days with my kids. Hope the transition to your self-hosted blog happens smoothly. I will have to do this step someday soon myself. I just need a computer whiz to do it for me because I am totally clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff. Have a wonderful week! ~ Ramona

    1. Thank you so much, Ramona! I hope everything will go smoothly too :)

  3. Aww,I still remember the days when each of my boys took their first step....enjoy it...soon he'll be running around :)

    I absolutely love your idea of waffle creative:)Have a wonderful Monday!

  4. What a fantastic idea. Love the recipe and the look of your blog with all the changes so far.

  5. First, congratulations on your bundle of joy's first exciting, I can feel it too!!

    Those cookies look smashing!!! You are an amazing baker.

  6. These cookies must be fun to make! So delicious too.

  7. Anna...these are adorable! Another great way to enjoy baked goods without the oven! I bet they are sweet and chewy! And lots of room for variation! Can't wait to try these soon! (and congrats on your baby's first steps...pretty soon you won't be able to keep up with him!)

  8. Oh yum these sound absolutely scrumptious!

  9. Brilliant, brilliant idea! I love it. And first steps...I miss those days...

  10. So adorable! I love this idea... :D I bet it's more energy-efficient than turning on your oven too. Plus who wants to pre-heat an oven in this summer swelter? Perfect time to break out the waffle iron :)

  11. Oh wonderful cookies and the blog is looking just fantastic!!!
    Mary x

  12. First of all I have been wanting to switch over to WordPress but have been afraid I'll end up losing everything. So I'll be interested to hear how your transition is.

    Second, my husband has been dying for waffles after he finished this biking event in Colorado called the Double Triple ByPass - going over 3 mountain passes one day then turning around to do back in the other direction, over 250 miles in two day through the mountains. Oddly enough there are no waffles to be found anywhere here. They say it takes too long to make. These would be a fun alternative that I could make for him as a joke. Thanks for sharing this creative idea.

    Good luck with your transition.

  13. Looks great! I love waffles and so I just know I would find this recipe a winner.

  14. What a cool idea! My girls would be thrilled to make these with me!

  15. I love the look of these! My son would love me forever if I made these for him. He's a waffle AND cookie fanatic. :)

    1. Yes! These are a total hit with kids! Thanks for stopping by :)

  16. You are brilliant. That is all!


Sweet thoughts