
Friday, July 13, 2012

#TomatoLove Recipe Exchange & Tomato Bruschetta with Easy Lime Vinaigrette

#TomatoLove is an event hosted by Cassie from Bake Your Day and Ali from Gimme Some Oven. These two adorable girls are spreading the word about off-season tomato farming in the US.

Cassie and Ali are hosting this huge event for 8 weeks. This week's theme is an appetizer. I know I usually share sweet treats here on Crunchy Creamy Sweet, but my Hubby and I are big fans of appetizers. Our girls love tomatoes, especially the grape kind. Having said that, #TomatoLove is a prefect opportunity to share with you our favorite appetizer and further feed my obsession with limes. :)

Enter Tomato and Onion Bruschetta with Easy Lime Vinaigrette.

It's easy to put together and oh-so delicious! It also let me enjoy my homemade French bread. Can you see it peaking in the background? :)

So if you are looking for a perfect Summer appetizer, I got you covered. :)

Tomato and Onion Bruschetta

2 roma tomatoes, chopped
1/2 medium sweet onion, chopped
French bread ( homemade or store-bought )

Slice your French bread and brush each slice with olive oil.
Toast on a skillet on medium heat until browns.
In a medium mixing bowl, stir together chopped tomatoes and onion.
Add vinaigrette and stir gently.
Let sit 15 minutes.
Serve on toasted bruschetta.

Easy Lime Vinaigrette

1/4 c canola oil
2 Tbsp lime juice ( squeezed from half of lime )
1 tsp lime zest ( almost half of lime )
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 tsp oregano or Italian seasoning

Mix all in food processor. Transfer into a jar. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Come share in the tomato love at the Tomato Love Recipe Exchange, hosted by Gimme Some Oven & Bake Your Day, sponsored this week by KitchenAid.  Also visit Recipe for Change to learn more about how to support tomato farmers.

Thank you Cassie and Ali for hosting this event! I am so glad I could join in!


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  1. This is beautiful and elegant. The vinaigrette is a great addition too! Thanks for helping spread the word, make sure you link up! :)

    1. The vinaigrette is soooo goooood! :) Thanks, Cassie!

  2. I remember when i had these in italy and they were absolutely gorgeous! great blog x

  3. Anna, this sounds wonderful!! I am all over that lime vinaigrette! My mouth is literally watering thinking about the flavors... YUM! Great recipe for the challenge. :)

  4. What a nice summery bruscheta! I love the sound of "lime" vinaigrette too. This is a nice recipe for hosting a party or even for a snack at home.

  5. I just love bruschetta and that lovely tangy lemonade just makes it absolutely delicious!Love it :)

  6. Yum, this looks really refreshing! I have been known to eat inordinate amounts of bruschetta... This could get dangerous!


Sweet thoughts