
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cosmopolitan Cocktail Bars with Anne from From My Sweet Heart {guest post}


You guys better sit down. I have such a treat for you! I invited a very special person to guest post on my blog today.  Meet Anne, the author of From My Sweet Heart blog. One of the sweetest, most talented and generous foodie bloggers out there. I stumbled upon Anne's blog one day and signed up for the updates right away. I didn't want to miss a single treat. Just from the recent posts, you will swoon over her genius Ambrosia Milkshake with Marshmallow Polka Dots! Anne's Pineapple Coconut Tarts are gorgeous and will melt your heart. My girls love her Pie Fries with Strawberry Ketchup. As huge fans of cheesecake, my Hubby and I adore Anne's Cherry Cheesecake with Chocolate Almond Crust. Loooove it!! I could go on and on but I will let Anne show you one of her amazing treats herself. I am absolutely thrilled to have her here today! Take it away, Anne!


Hello Everyone!  I am so delighted to be a guest on Anna’s wonderful blog today!  I am in awe of all of Anna’s lovely desserts and amazing photography!  I especially love her Chocolate Chip Cookie Mondays and am looking forward to jumping in for the next Blue Ribbon Challenge!

The best thing about getting to know Anna is the ability to relate to a fellow baker!  I write a dessert/baking blog called From My Sweet Heart.  I am a fairly new blogger, just over a year now.  But it’s great to have found someone who enjoys baking and desserts as much as I do!

So when Anna invited me to be a guest here today, I was thrilled!  To me, it’s like having Anna invite me to her home!  And so, I wanted to make something special for her.  When looking through her recipes, I noticed that Anna enjoys cranberry and citrus (especially lime!).  And while she already provides the  Crunchy, Creamy and Sweet; I thought I might add a little Tangy, Tart and Gooey to the mix!  So I made some Cosmopolitan Cocktail Bars! 

These are sweet and tart with the flavors of cranberry, orange and lime!  They are nice and light and perfect for this time of year when thinking about refreshing cocktails; yet the cranberry flavor would carry them easily through the winter holidays. 

I hope you will enjoy them as much as I’ve enjoyed being here today!  Thank you Anna!

Cosmopolitan Cocktail Bars:

Yields 16-20 bars, depending on how you slice it!

 2 1/4 cups flour, divided
2/3 cup confectioner’s  sugar
2 tablespoons lime zest
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) cold butter, cut into pieces
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 can (6 ounces) frozen cranberry juice concentrate, thawed
1 teaspoon orange extract
1 tablespoon vodka (optional – I used it but could not really taste that it was there)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.  Line a 13 x 9 inch baking pan with foil (allowing some overlap to make handles) and spray generously with cooking spray.  Mix 2 cups of flour, confectioner’s sugar, lime zest, and salt in a large bowl.  Cut in the cold butter cubes with a pastry cutter until the mix resembles coarse crumbs.  Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of your baking pan and bake for about 20 minutes or until the edges of the crust are lightly golden brown.
While your crust is baking, mix the eggs, granulated sugar, cranberry juice concentrate, the remaining ¼ cup of flour, the orange extract and the vodka (if using) in a bowl until well blended.  Pour this over your crust as soon as it comes out of the oven.  Return to the oven and bake an additional 24-28 minutes, until the filling is set.  Cool in the pan on a wire rack.  When ready to serve, use the foil to remove the bars from the pan.  Cut them into your desired size slices, sprinkle with a little confectioner’s sugar and some lime zest to garnish. 
A perfect smooth, tangy refreshing bite!

Slightly adapted from McCormick Spices


Woah! Before you run to your kitchens to make these scrumptious looking bars, let me just tell you - I'm waaaay ahead of ya! :) I made these. Yesterday. O.M.G.! Heaven in my mouth! I knew Anne would make something amazing but this treat totally blew my mind. The lime and cranberry combo - it's my new favorite! Amazing how they complement each other atop the perfectly buttery crust. Thank you so much, sweet Anne! For the guest post, for the sweet words and for this treat.

You can find Anne's blog here and also follow her on Pinterest


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  1. Wow, these sound/look fantastic! I can imagine a bunch of fun variations too! Thanks Anne and Anna, what a good pair you make!

  2. Hi Anna, saw these over on Anne's blog and had to come visit and get the recipe. You have excellent taste in choosing your guest blogger - From My Sweet Heart is a treat in itself even before I get to making the gorgeous recipes!

    1. I agree! I love visiting Anne's blog. Thank you, Hester!

  3. Beautiful recipe Anne!! Anna and Anne... I can see why both of you are dessert queens... because you two are the sweetest ladies around!! I loved reading this post with two of my favorite gals. :)

    PS... Anne, I like that you brought something Tart, Tangy and Gooey to Anna's Sweet, Crunchy, Creamy and Sweet place. Very cute! :)

  4. These are too cute! Would be so perfect for a girls night out, they sound fantastic! Love tart fruit bars, especially with the lime! And nice to meet you Anne :) Thanks ladies for such a yummy post!

  5. These are absolutely stunning - a really special post - sounds delicious and looks gorgeous!
    Mary x

  6. WOW! Those bars look breathtaking! What a fabulous recipe, and they look so so good. Thanks Anne for sharing it. Over to your blog to check it out :)

    Before I go, a message for Anna: I awarded you the Addictive Blog Award.

    Your blog is so mouthwatering addictive. Lurve it!

    1. Aww, you are a sweetie, Minnie :) Thank you so much!

  7. Hi Anne! Nice to meet you! Wow cocktail bars!!! What a perfect dessert for coming weekend! I don't bake much yet I appreciate unique recipes like this.. Only homemade can make it possible! I better start baking more so I get to try these delicious bars. Great guest post! :-)

  8. oooh these look delicious and decadent! very cool grown-up version of a lemon bar :)

  9. Hi Anna! Thanks so much for having me today! It was truly an honor to post on your wonderful blog. You are such a doll. And thank you to everyone for your kind comments! I wish we could all be sitting around having cosmos for real! ;- }

    1. Me too - that would be quite an event :) Thank you so much for the guest post, Anne. It was a true honor to have you here. xoxo

  10. Super genius idea, I love it! Great post and nice to meet you :)

  11. Wow! These look incredibly delicious, Anne! What a gorgeous and delicious guest post :)

  12. Hi,Anna! These Cosmopolitan bars from Anne are just fabulous....:)

    Anne invited me to visit your sweet blog....I am in awe with all your yumminess & I am your new follower:)

    1. Hi Bibi! It's wonderful to have you here. Welcome to CCS!

  13. I saw these over on Anne's blog--oh my! They are really fabulous-looking.

  14. Those look to die for, sorry I haven't been around for awhile busy, busy but I am going to have a good look around now!!!

  15. Oh, man, these look irresistible!!! I've never seen bars like these before!!! YUM. Thanks, Anna, for featuring Anne this week :)

  16. Hooray for Anne these are fantastic. I look forward to having these on one of my dessert tables.

  17. Anna- Thanks for having Anne by. She brought her A-game today. WOW!

    Anne- I am loving these. I mean these are spectacular. I sure hope you submitted these to all the food photo sites. Incredible!!!


Sweet thoughts