
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

Previously, on CCS:

Monday - CCC Monday is back with Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies. Even if you are not vegan, I highly recommend trying this recipe. Two words: chewy goodness!!

Tuesday - useful links for food photography and styling obsessed. And there will be more to come! Don't forget to follow my Pinterest board "Food Photography".

Wednesday - cooling off with Peach Sorbet. Peaches are in Kansas! Enjoy this sweet and juicy fruit in a form of easy sorbet. YUM!

I ended the week on Wednesday for two reasons. It's hot and my kids are going crazy ( and so am I ). And... it's hot... Too hot to be outside so indoors entertainment and activities for kiddos consumed most of my time. I hope you will understand.. Gosh, seems like I've been having a lot of excuses lately... I will make it up to you next week. I have lots of goodies to share! Hope to see you then!

Have a fabulous weekend!


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  1. It's been crazy hot, no doubts about that!! Enjoy your summer. We all are busy trying to find activities that keep all of us happy, hahaha!

  2. Another productive and fun week you had, Anna!

  3. The peach sorbet looks divine and those cookies are to die for. I would love the try that recipe with brown rice flour and coconut sugar - see if turns out just as well. Hope you're having a great weekend too! Today we're celebrating my hubby's birthday and Canada Day!

  4. I know, I can't wait for school to begin again, and I have a teenager in the house. Entertaining him is a bit a challenge as he sees his entertainment in his video games and computer only...
    Stay cool and have fun with the kids! :)

  5. Hope your having a fabulous weekend Anna! I could use some of that peach sorbet right now. :)

  6. Enjoy your time off!!! This hot weather is making us all crazy :)


Sweet thoughts