
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Peach Sorbet

It's  early morning and the heat index is up.

Up to what feels like 150 gazzilion degrees... 

It's hot...

 My Hubs and I had a quick coffee on the patio - our morning tradition. We could feel the heat coming and for some reason I made hot coffee today, instead of the ice version. Won't happen again, Sweetie! Till tomorrow, probably...

After baking cookies for CCC Monday, I knew I had to stay away from the oven... So frozen dessert it is.
Sorbet to be exact. Easy to whip up and perfect to fight the heat!

Oh, did I mention it's made with peaches? I love peaches... When I crave a juicy fruit, it's always peaches. My chocolate stash becomes envious, because I exclaim: "best thing ever!" and actually enjoy the juice dripping down my hands.

I got all giddy when I saw mounds of them in our local store. My mind was full of ideas! Clafoutis, jam, cupcakes, cake, bars!! Oh my! But hold your horses - the oven is off limits...

So, to enjoy the flavor of fresh and juicy peaches, sorbet seemed the best choice.You get the fruit and cool down with icy treat. Win win!

 Note: If your peaches are hard, simply place them in a paper bag and let sit on the counter for a day or two. It will speed up the ripening process.

Peach Sorbet

 2 peaches, soft to the touch, washed, skin peeled, pitted, cut into chunks
splash or two of milk ( about 2 - 3 Tbsp )
1/4 c sugar
1/4 c water

Place peach chunks on a parchment paper lined plate and freeze until firm.
Place frozen peaches in blender and mix until smooth. Adding milk will help to blend them.
In a small measuring cup mix together water and sugar until sugar dissolves.
Add to peaches and mix until well blended.
Pour into a 8" square baking dish and freeze until firm but scoopable, about 1 hour. If the sorbet is too hard to scoop, let sit on the counter for 15 - 20 minutes.

source: adapted from Martha Stewart Living Magazine July 2010

What is your favorite stone fruit?


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  1. This sounds amazing, Anna!! I love fresh peaches and this sorbet is a perfect summer treat!

  2. Now I'm curious to try peach sorbet, I love the color! My favorite stone fruit, that's a hard one- I think I like them all;-) But, I'll say peach;-) I like the idea of coffee al fresco in the morning, don't you love Summertime! Stay cool ;-)

    1. Thank you! I know we will be complaining about the cold in few months, but gosh, it's hot right now...

  3. I have had sorbet on my mind lately. I am so glad you posted this. What an easy and delicious treat!

    1. Let me know if you make it - I'd love to hear how you like it. Thank you, Kristen!

  4. This sounds so simple and perfect for summer! I love peach anything

    Mal @ The Chic Geek

  5. ooh, how delightful does this sound? i absolutely love peaches, too, + have been looking for new ways to use 'em up. this sounds amazing!

  6. this looks so delicious - so refreshing and I adore peaches. Ive just bought an ice cream maker!!
    Mary x

    1. You lucky girl! I expect some delicious ice cream recipes on your blog! :) xo

  7. Oh - you don't even need an ice cream maker!!!
    Mary x

  8. This would be so refreshing. This Florida heat is killing me

    1. I can't even imagine the humidity you guys have to deal with... Thank you, Natalie!

  9. I loooove peaches. Just the mention of them screams "summer!" to me, and of happy times with my family eating in the backyard. Like you and your hubby do on the patio! What a perfect dessert to make for the bounty of peaches we have now!

  10. Wow this looks great and healthy! Peaches are actually my fave!

    Cathy Trails

  11. Peach Sorbet sounds like just what I need right now, especially in this heat! I will have to bookmark this recipe. It looks so good!

  12. Anna, it looks and sounds delicious! I love this and know Bill would also since peaches are his favorite. I've never made sorbet but will now after seeing this! That's a great way to start the morning with your hubby, we do too. I just threw away some peaches because they when they finally ripened, they were mushy. I'll try your tip next time with the paper bag. Your photos keep surpassing each other in excellence!!! Wish you lived nearby to teach me!!! Have a wonderful day and try to stay cool!

  13. These sorbet look lovely! I would love one too!

  14. these furry little golden gems are my favourite stone fruit as well!! peach anything is an easy favourite!

  15. Can I take a swim in it? It's hot here too... Sounds perfectly chilly and refreshing. I, course,had to turn on the oven today to bake... didn't think that one through too well. :)

  16. This sounds perfect for the weather right now. Perfect any time really. I can imagine this with a drizzle of honey on top. Yum. Peaches are my fav! especially when they are perfectly ripe.

    1. Drizzle of honey sounds goooood... I should try it next time! Thank you!

  17. How lovely! This sounds so refreshing...I could do with it today, it's been hot and humid here today for the first time in ages! I've never made sorbet before, I love the peach flavour! :-)

    1. I would love to hear how you like it, if you happen to make it, Laura! Thank you! xo

  18. It's 150 gazillion degrees here, too! And with peaches being my favorite summer fruit, I'd love this amazing sorbet to cool me off!

  19. Oh yeh! This sounds sooo yummy. I shared a 2-ingredient cool peach dessert at my blog about that? Love the simplicity of your recipe too...fresh peaches! MMM!!

  20. Mmmm... this looks so yummy and refreshing. Peaches haven't arrived here yet, but they are something I always look forward to!

    1. Thank you, Amy! They just appeared here. I hope to enjoy them for a while :)

  21. Peaches are by far my favorite fruit! I just love them! This sorbet looks amazing, too. I definitely need to give this a try!

  22. Peaches aren't quite in season here but I can't wait till they are, I love them! So fresh and summery, I love this sorbet.

    1. Yay! Thank you so much, Anna! I hope you will get to enjoy them in a sorbet form too :)

  23. Perfectly refreshing. With the heat being 103 today this might be just what the doctor ordered :)

    1. Yes! And me :) I order it too :) Thank you, Rachel!

  24. oh gosh this looks delicious! it is SO hot here so peach sorbet is the perfect dessert! Need to try!

    1. Thank you, Sam! I hope you will get a chance to try this sorbet!

  25. Oh, that looks delicious! My only prior sorbet-making experience did not turn out so well, so next time I'll try your recipe.

  26. Peach sorbet is so refreshing, what a beautiful color!

    1. Thank you, Laura! It's always a pleasure to have you stop by!

  27. Oh, how GORGEOUS!! Perfect bc it's currently 110 out where I live eeeek!

    Twitter @aSquishyMonster

  28. that is a lovely sorbet! sounds delicious!

  29. The oven in the heat is just not ok. This sorbet sounds so refreshing and delicious to combat the heat. I love peaches so much. I would love this! I dont think I could think of a better summer snack.

  30. pass me a bowl please!!! I love peaches to, the juicer the better


Sweet thoughts