
Monday, July 2, 2012

CCC Monday: Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Happy Monday!!

How was your weekend? Did you celebrate the Independence Day already or are you waiting until Wednesday?

This week's CCC Monday is quite special for me. I am going to share with you my very first recipe for chocolate chip cookies. I am talking developing the recipe. Huge! 

The cookies came out quite delicious! Actually, truth be told, I almost didn't have any dough to bake them because my Hubby and I were standing over the bowl of it and "tasting" it... We just couldn't stop! It was so good! Different than any other we had before. It has a very deep chocolate flavor and nuttiness from the brown butter. Who ever came up with the concept of browning the butter for cookie is a genius!

Creating the recipe went something like this:

1. google out "brown butter chocolate chip cookies"

2. read four posts from fellow bloggers

3. get notification on my tablet that the battery is dying...

4. say: yes, yes, I am plugging it in... and keep on reading

5. another notification, failed attempt to find the charger, black screen

6. considering making the cookies tomorrow

7. nope, can't do it, won't sleep until I know how brown butter changes a cookie

8. back to basics: grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down my own recipe

Quite encourage by the results, I am thinking I should develop my own recipes more often! Just look at these babies! I love the rustic look. My Hubby totally agrees, which means they are already amazing.They are slightly crispy, slightly chewy inside, quite soft and will remain like that after storing in the cookie jar.

Two things you should know before making these cookies:

1. The dough will be very dry and crummy, so there is a little bit of play involved. But who is complaining? :) 
2. Because the butter may still be warm when adding the rest of ingredients, your chocolate chips can start melting in the dough. Therefor it is recommended to place the dough in the freezer for 30 minutes or fridge for 1 hour.

From crummy dough to a delicious cookie!

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 c ( 2 sticks ) unsalted butter
1 1/4 c packed light brown sugar
1/2 c granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
 2 1/4 c flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 c semi-sweet chocolate chips

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, foil or silpat. Set aside.
Place butter in a medium saucepan and brown. My tip on browning butter: set the heat to medium and let the butter melt; it will be splattering so you may want to put the lid on but leave a small crack open; you can swirl the saucepan once in a while; as soon as the butter calms down and the noise dies down - start watching the butter, it will brown quickly from this point; the nutty fragrance and dark brown color is what you want.
Take of the heat and let cool for few minutes.
To distract yourself, place egg and egg yolk in a small measuring cup and slightly beat with a fork. Set aside.
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients ( flour, soda and salt ). Set aside.
Pour the butter in a large mixing bowl and let cool few more minutes. Add brown sugar and granulated sugar and mix on low or "stir" ( for those with standing mixers ). 
Add the eggs and vanilla and mix until smooth, about 1 minute.
Now switch to a wooden spoon or a spatula. Add the dry ingredients all at once, following by the chocolate chips. Now gently fold it all in, until a uniform dough form. It will be quite dry and crummy. Place the dough in the fridge for 1 hour.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Scoop the dough out with a cookie scoop or a tablespoon and roll into a ball in your hands. Place on a prepared cookie sheet.
Bake for 5 minutes, pulled it out, flatten the cookies with the back of a metal spatula and return to the oven.
Bake additional 5 - 6 minutes. Cool on a sheet for 1 minute and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

source: Crunchy Creamy Sweet original recipe


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  1. Delicious cookies to have with a cup of hot milk.

  2. Well done Anna!! You should fly free with your recipes ideas more often!! They end with some sweet results. :) Love your food styling. Have a great weekend. :)

  3. These sound heavenly delicious. What a great idea ... using brown butter in the cookie dough.

    1. Please, give it a try - you will love it! Thanks, Ellen!

  4. You had me at browned butter...oh my - these sound mouth-melting and look fabulous too. I just love your adorable milk bottle too. So glad you shared.

  5. They look fab. Ahhhhh I can just imagine eating these

  6. I love baking with brown butter and these look rustic and delicious!! It's really fun making your own recipes especially when it works :)

  7. Congrats on creating your first recipe! You rock girlfriend! These look amazing. Brown butter brings everything to a whole new flavor level and especially chocolate chip cookies. I've made some killer bb choc chip cookies and they are always requested every time I bring dessert somewhere. Happy Monday, hope you had a fabulous weekend!

  8. i love brown butter - it just adds that wonderful nutty flavor! i have yet to try brown butter in chocolate chip cookies. and i'm pretty sure my life is woefully incomplete unless i do. so i'm definitely bookmarking this!

    1. It will change your life, Jenn! :) Let me know how you like it!

  9. Oh, I LOVE brown butter. These are gorgeous. Must have them!

  10. Way to go on creating these cookies! They sound absolutely amazing, Anna!!

  11. I have the same problem when I make cookies. I swear I eat half the dough (at least)! I love the idea of adding brown butter. That just makes these all the more delicious!

  12. Looks delicious sweetie and fabulous pictures! Love it!

  13. Thanks for sharing your recipe for brown butter chocolate chip cookies, I've been wanting to try these;-) I'm sure the cookie dough tastes amazingly good;-)

    1. Waaaaay too good :) You will be snacking on it! Thank you :)

  14. I even taste half of the cake batter, hahaha! Talk about consuming carbs. You are already so gifted that I'm sure any recipe developed by you would be fantastic.

  15. Very cool! :D I love the feeling of accomplishment after creating an original recipe! You did awesome on these :)

  16. I never made cookies with brown butter before. Sounds interesting, I am going to have to try this one.

  17. I love when my recipes work out despite my self-doubt! Brown butter in cookies is so good - I still haven't tried letting it refrigerate overnight, but apparently that intensifies the flavour even more!

    1. I will have to try that - thanks for the tip, Anna!

  18. Yay! Congrats on your recipe! They look fantastic, I want to try that extra egg yolk, what does that do?? The brown butter sounds so good in it too! Yumm :) Have a great 4th Anna!!

    1. The egg yolk adds liquid, while the egg white tends to dry out the final result. Still my dough was pretty crummy :) Thank you, Kristina!

  19. Brown butter and chocolate...a winning combination! Bet these cookies are fantastic.

  20. These look just incredible! I always brown butter in cookies now- doesn't it create such a wonderful flavor?! These look so so good. I think you are a natural recipe developer! :) Your pictures are making me so hungry for those right now. I must make these soon!

  21. Oh my gosh! These sound so amazing. I can hardly wait to try them. Congrats on making up your own recipe and thanks for sharing!

  22. Yummmmm. brown butter AND chocolate. Can't go wrong.

  23. excellent recipe! i need to develop more of my own recipes but it can be so daunting, you know? these cookies look absolutely wonderful. you have no idea how much i could go for 1 (or 4....) right now. YUM!

    1. I know what you mean, Amy. You just need to take a chance at it. No one will judge it until you share it. I say go for it! Thank you!

  24. I don't think there is a more intoxicating aroma than browned butter cookies baking. I bet yours were super.

  25. The cookies look perfect - I love that craggy, rustic look too. I'm too intimidated to develop recipes but reading about your positive experience is nudging me towards trying it. Happy 4th of July!

    1. Yay! That is my goal. I hope you will give it a try! Thank you!

  26. Your own recipe!?! I am so impressed! And, I love that it involves brown butter :) Cannot wait to give this one a try!

  27. This looks so good! want to try them soon. Thx for sharing:)

  28. If there's ever an opening in your taste testing department, please do let me know! :)

  29. Anna...these look pretty amazing! How could they not be...with ...BROWNED BUTTER! I don't know why we just don't add it to everything! Such a sweet, nutty flavor! These may be my favorite CCC's yet! : )

    1. You just made my day, sweet Anne! Thank you so much! xoxo

  30. I just made these (with a dried fruit berry mix and white chocolate instead, as that's what I had in the cupboard!) and they're really beautiful. Just the perfect chocolate chip recipe I'd be looking for, too! Delicious.


Sweet thoughts