
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Links

Lately, I found myself being totally obsessed with food photography and styling. 
After kiddos go to sleep, I can browse and browse all those gorgeous pictures my favorite food bloggers have on their sites.

Mind you, I have miiiiiiiles to go with my photos and styling. But I am hoping to grow this blog and my skills. After all, playing with food is fun! Doesn't matter what our moms told us when we were 5. :)

Here is a short list of links that I find very informative and helpful for bloggers like me:

1. This link caught my attention on Foodbuzz. My dear foodie friend, Lizzy, shared it and I immediately bookmarked it. A must-read!

The Ardent Epicure: Food Photography "A Perspective" ( Thank you, Lizzy for sharing this link! :) )

2. Better with Butter covers everything from camera to lighting to props.

3. For those who didn't make it to BlogHer Food Conference this year, this post is a must-read. Stephanie shares a very interesting and delicious project called "a cake case study" to talk about current styles in food photography.

4. Matt from Wrightfood has a whole series on food photography. You will find yourself bookmarking page after page after page.

                                  Food Photography: Post Production
                                   Food Photography Compact Camera

5. Shawnda from Confections of a Foodie Bride is a genius. I learned so much from her blog, I should probably send her cookies for it. :) You need to check out her site, if not for the photography tips, than for the recipes. Eye-candy for all!

 For more visual inspiration, you can visit my Pinterest board "Food Photography". I am constantly adding gorgeous pictures to it!

If you have a link to share about food styling and photography, leave it in comments section.
I would love to see it!

Tomorrow, another frozen treat! Stay tuned. :)

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  1. Anna, your photos are always very good, just like the ones above. It's amazing how the color (?) white brightens up a photo and makes it stand out. I just purchased a new camera and haven't taken a pic with it yet, but I bookmarked this page for your links. I have so much to learn. Keep up the good work and enjoy your hobby!!!

    1. Awww, thank you, sweet Pam :) What camera did you get? I am on the hunt for a new one as my beloved old one broke...

  2. My biggest problem is winter when natural light disappears around 3:30 where I live. I found this and can't wait to try it next winter:

    1. Thank you for sharing, Lesa! I will need to try this on dark gloomy days.

  3. What wonderful links, Anna! I am going to check them all...I'm trying to improve my photos as well, but I'm always in a hurry...which isn't conducive to great photos! I loved all of Adam's tips on Alisha's blog, too :)

  4. Thanks for sharing these interesting tips!

  5. Thank you for sharing those links, Anna. I like Wrightfood too ;)

  6. Thank you Anna... I spend more time fretting about my food photography than the recipe. :) I will definitely check all these links out. :)

  7. Thanks for sharing these links!! I'm trying to learn all I can and improve my pictures too, they make such a difference, and these all look super helpful!

  8. Anna I am going to have to check some of these links out as I am pretty CLUELESS to food styling and photography.

    I think your shots are wonderful :)

  9. Food photography has always been a problem for me, I don't have a SLR or enough light when I cook the food. These links will surely help me.

  10. Loved this post! I just discovered your blog, and really enjoy your styling! That's one thing I'm trying to work on as well.


Sweet thoughts