
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grilled Jalapeno and Lime Topping

My Hubby and I just purchased our first smartphone.

Yep, that's how behind we are in the tech world! :)

Sometimes, and that's especially applies to tech gadgets, it takes us a while to get on board. As we are waiting for it to be something real and not only a temporary fad. Come to think of it, the story with tech toys for kids is totally different. We were the crazy parents trying to snag the LeapPad for our oldest daughter as soon as it came out last year. It might have even involved calling Target and driving 30 miles to get it. Hey, at least I didn't stand in line all night long! Considered it but didn't do it.

So now I can retire our trusty ol' Motorola and not have to hide in the aisles of our grocery store looking quite suspicious. It might even have made some folks giggle seeing me text from it. Or at least attempt to do it.

My Hubby discovered a race game that senses the position of your phone. You don't have to push buttons to drive the car, just tilt the phone! How cool is that? Bejeweled is just a memory. Hmmm, does anyone play it anymore? Wait, don't answer that.

Aaaaanyways, we just got the new "toy" and are still learning all about it. Any advice, all you smartphone owners/experts?

I am especially excited about Instagram. Can't wait to play with all the fabulous filters!

So now, that I have embarrassed myself infront of all of you - let's talk food.

My current obsession with limes goes beyond desserts. I can't get over the flavor of this little green citrus. It pairs with spicy and sweet so well, you can enjoy it in an array of dishes. 

I don't think I have to tell you that my Hubby fully supports this trend of spicy or savory food on my blog. :) He gladly volunteers as a taste tester for this series. And I have to say, we had quite the success. So, no surprise here, we decided to make it into a series and call it:

I actually had a hard time deciding what to call this spicy mixture. We tried it on so many different dishes that saying "burger topping" would be unfairly limiting. Tacos loved it, hot dogs were happily topped with it, corn bread giggled with excitement when I smeared it with it.

You will love this topping! Trust me. The spiciness from jalapeno pairs perfectly with the zing from lime.It takes your dish from good to great! It's the finishing touch with a kick. Feel free to add a tablespoon of mayo for extra creaminess.

Grilled Jalapeno and Lime Topping

3/4 c sour cream
1 lime, zested ( it should give you more than 1 tablespoon of zest )
lime juice freshly squeezed from 1/2 lime
2 medium jalapenos, grilled on the grill or on stove ( see note ), seeded, finely chopped
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper or to taste
1 Tbsp mayo ( optional )

Mix all in a small bowl. Refrigerate at least 1 hour for the flavors to combine. 
To grill on the outdoor bbq grill:  place your jalapenos in a veggie basket, grill until you see the marks on pepper's skin. Do not place directly over the flames.
To grill jalapenos on the electric stove or indoor griddle: turn your burner onto medium heat, place clean jalapeno on top; it will shake once the heat reaches the inside; after 30 seconds carefully, with tongs, turn the pepper on the other side. You want it to soften, it doesn't have to be charred all around. Holding it with tongs, place on cutting board, slice in half lengthwise and scrape the seeds out and discard. Chop the pepper and add to sour cream.

source: Crunchy Creamy Sweet original

Bet ya didn't know I have a spicy side, huh? :) Hope you guys like it though. Sweet treat returns tomorrow!

What do you like about your smartphone? Are you on Instagram?


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  1. This sauce is definitely something I'll be making. It's funny, while you just joined the world of smart phones, I have taken off all the data gadgets and gone back to basics. I am so tired of instant texting. My motto is "if you have something to say, just call me". I'll read emails on my computer.

  2. whoohoo this would be perfect on tacos/burritos. Or southwest baked potatoes! BTW I love the brighter, whiter blog layout :)

    1. Tried it on tacos AND burritos - perfection! Southwest baked potatoes - I am on it! Brilliant! Thanks, Ann :)

  3. Looks yummy and interesting.

    Get a flashlight app for your smartphone. Best.App.Ever. :-)

  4. This sounds really tasty! Welcome to the high tech smart'll never ever look up again... world!

  5. That is gorgeous and creamy--and I love spicy toppings! I am technologically inept, myself--no Twitter or iPhone!

    1. I joined Twitter just few months ago myself. It can be overwhelming at times. Thank you! :)

  6. Lovin' this recipe! Guess both of our households are on the spicy kick. You can never have tooooo much spicy kick - I think it needs its own food group. ;) I can't wait to see what you bring us next Tuesday. I'm super duper excited to make this and smother it all over - well- EVERYTHING! Hugs sweetie. xoxox

    1. Right? :) I like the food group idea, Tiffany. I bet our husbands will fully support this. :) Thank you, sweetie!

  7. Oooh.... Love this! One of my favorite dips is jalapeno dip that a local company distributes here. Absolutely delicious! I've never seen a homemade version of it and this looks like it would be close to it except you use grilled jalapenos and I'm sure theirs is canned. I think grilling it would definitely be far better. Definitely going to give this one a try. :-)

    1. Oh my! That sounds great, Renee! I hope you will try it and let me know what you think. Thank you!

  8. Welcome to the tech world, Anna. I'm giggling at you hiding in the grocery store aises to use your old phone, too funny.

    The dip looks amazing. I can't handle spicy hot foods but my fella would love this. I'm just a wuss! :/

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking

    1. See, I told ya it made folks giggle :) This topping is 100% guy approved. Hope you will give it a try, Lisa! Thank you!

  9. I kind of thought that I was one of the last people to get a smart phone. I have had one for about 4 months. It will change your life though! I cannot imagine not living with one now.

    1. Let me know any apps you find useful, Emily. Thank you!

  10. Congrats on the Smartphone, Anna! I guess I will be next in line! (I hate learning new gadgets!). But I love trying new food! And this topping is making me think fish tacos! It looks yummy! : )

    1. Yes, it will be fantastic on fish tacos! Great idea, Anne :) Thank you!

  11. Congrats on your first smart phone Anna!
    This dip is right up my alley.Spicy sounds good especially grilled Jalapenos!Hmm...yumm...

    1. Thank you, Soni :) I have been making this topping over and over. We can't get enough of it!

  12. I love this, we are spice nuts over here and this make me want to dive right in...and we love grillin' our jalapenos. Thank you for this.

    1. I am so happy you stopped by, Cathy! I hope you will give this topping a try - it's fabulous! Thank you :)

  13. I love the look of that roasted jalapeno sitting on top, yum!! I like this spicy side :) And I don't even have a cell phone, so who am I to judge :)

  14. This looks great... I would dollop all over my chili. :) Speaking of being totally behind the times... I only have a pay as you go cell phone that I use only for emergencies. I don't even know how to text. My hubby just got a smart phone last week... he's like a kid with a new toy for sure. :)

  15. I like the sound of this and I don't even like spicy things! :) My husband is going to suggest "we" make this as soon as I show it to him! What a fun new series!

  16. Sounds like a delicious and spicy dip. I love Mexican food and this recipe seems like it's influenced by those flavours. Thanks for sharing!

  17. this sounds fantastic! i love anything spicy + citrus in all forms, so i know i'd love this. i bet it would be perfection on chicken tacos. or on grilled fish!

  18. Sounds so yuumy! Glad you do a weekend wrap up or I may have missed this yumminess!


Sweet thoughts