
Monday, July 9, 2012

CCC Monday: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

I do not know what's with this project but I seemed to go from a winner to a flop.
Last week was huge as I shared my very own recipe for Brown Butter Chocolate Chip cookies and they were a success!

This week, I decided that I can be reasonable and comply with the weather and forget the oven. So no-bake route it was.
Most of the no-bake cookies involve oats but I was trying to find a way to enjoy CCC without even slightly feeling like you are having an oatmeal cookie somewhere on the way. I googled the subject out.

POOF, Joy the Baker's site pops out on the list and the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls are drawing my attention. No oats, applesauce and dipping in chocolate - I was more and more into the recipe.

Here is the thing, I think I seriously overwhipped the butter and sugar mixture. My dough was so airy and fluffy that I had to refrigerate it in the bowl before scooping out onto a parchment paper-lined sheet. My Girls were super excited to stick the pop sticks into balls of cookie dough! Back to the freezer for the whole night.

The next day, I was looking forward to dipping them in chocolate. It was a mess.... I could feel them melt in my hands as I was peeling the balls of the parchment paper. Still, I dipped the bottoms in the melted chocolate and called it done. I wasn't even in the mood to photograph them.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

1/2 c ( 1 stick ) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 c brown sugar
1/3 c granulated sugar
1 c + 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp instant coffee granules
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 c applesauce
1 c chocolate chips

In a medium bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients ( flour, soda, salt, coffee granules ). Set aside.
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, mix together butter and sugars. Whip until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
Add applesauce and vanilla extract and mix until combined.
Stir in the dry ingredients. Fold in chocolate chips.
If the dough is very soft, refrigerate until it hardens.
Scoop the dough onto prepared sheet.
Freeze 3 hours or overnight.
Dip in melted chocolate.
Keep in the freezer until ready to serve.

source: slightly adapted from Joy the Baker


Come back tomorrow as my new series begins. You won't believe what I have to share with you! See you then! :)


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  1. Despite your troubles, they look delicious!! Your photography could make anything look good. :) What a unique recipe with the applesauce. I love anything that even resembles chocolate chip cookies...espcially the dough!

    1. Sweet Leslie, you just made me feel 100 times better about today's post. Thank you thank you! xoxo

  2. Oh one of my downfalls is chocolate chip cookie dough, I would just eat it out of the bowl, no sticks required. Now my mouth is watering. You have such a lovely blog, I have nominated you for an award. Please check it out at

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Shari! Off to check it out :)

  3. I'm with Shari! You can't mess up cookie dough. . .when all else fails, just eat it out of the bowl! :) And, yours looks delicious!

  4. Well they may have been a pain but they look beautiful and I'm sure they taste even better! Cookie dough...yum!

  5. They really don't look all that bad. In fact, your picture looks great! Bet they tasted good!

  6. They look super tasty still sweetie! I would eat one any day! I just ran into a flop last night trying to make a gluten free cookie.. The kids and hubby seem to think it's tasty but I think I added to much cocoa..I was trying for a double chocolate... Well see if I decide to post I guess!

  7. I like how these look! I tried making a pumpkin dough something or other along these lines last Thanksgiving and had issues a lot like what you described. I think you came closer than I ever did to nailing down some of the initial problems though. Hope you and your girls were able to enjoy these nonetheless :)

  8. coffee granules, nice touch! :D

  9. I love your honesty :) I'm sure they made perfect frustration food anyway!

  10. Looks quite wonderful! I must try to make them one day.

  11. Omg these look amazing girl! Great job and the photograph looks awesome! Even though you said they were a flop I think they look really good. Love the plexiglass on the bottom best for food photography ;)

  12. That's a great click, Anna. They do look very tasty to me.

  13. Hey, they look super to me. Love the photography.

  14. Sorry they didn't turn out the way you wanted.... but they look so cute!! I love the idea for sure!!

  15. Well for someone who was not in the mood to photograph....your photograph is just stunning! You were smart to try the no bake route. And they really do look good! I've made things that I considered a visual flop but it still tasted delicious! Do you think the butter was too soft? I've had things turn out funky when I let my butter get 'beyond room temperature'! : )

  16. Oh my. These sound so wonderful. I'm betting that they taste great despite the fact that they were uncooperative. Good for you that you posted them anyway and aren't driven by that perfection thing!

  17. I have made these several times for parties I have had and the dough balls have come out great. I noticed that you used applesauce. There is another option that Joy recommends which is Greek yogurt. I used greek yogurt which I would think would give the dough more structure. The dough is a bit sticky when left out of the freezer. But it is sooooooo yummy. Try the yogurt and see if that makes the difference.....


Sweet thoughts