
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekend Wrap-up

           Previously, on CCS:

Monday - yes, you can make Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies. :) And they are amazing!

Tuesday- I was nominated for the Food Stories Award in Excellence in Storytelling ( blushing ) and passed it to 5 fellow food bloggers.

Wednesday - was easy-peasy with the help of Biscoff Banana Apple Smoothie.

Thursday - I am pretty in pink .

Friday - We had a rockin' Fabulous Friday Party and I made a cake. :)  Thank you, Tiffany for inviting me to co-host! Thank you, Serena for co-hosting! Thank you to all who participated!! You can still link up your posts. We will feature our favorites next Friday.

I hope you will have a fabulous and sweet weekend!

I will see you on Monday for another installment of CCC Monday!


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  1. Happy Sunday!! Looking forward to the new week of fabulous treats from your blog. :)

  2. You had a productive week!
    Have a great week ahead, Anna.


Sweet thoughts