
Monday, June 4, 2012

CCC Monday: Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

         Happy Monday!

         Today's episode of CCC Mondays is running late... Please, forgive me, but my little boy is teething and last night was... well, you can imagine. Sometimes reality does get in the way of the creative process. :)

         So even though I am a bit blurry-eyed today and may doze off at my desk, I am thrilled to share this version of chocolate chip cookies with you!

         It was hard to take pictures of these cookies as they were disappearing at lightning speed!

        Dare I say, these are perfect?

        I am certainly tempted to.

       These cookies are amazingly delicious! Thick and chewy all the way. There is not a bit of crispiness in them.

        Mounds of sweetness and cookie goodness in your mouth!

        The only crunch comes from a coarse sea salt that I sprinkled on top of each cookie.

         As always, when I bake chocolate chip cookies for this series, I play with the baking time. It does a lot to the texture of the cookie. Decreasing or increasing the time by 2 minutes makes a big difference. See the picture below. I even think, this recipe is perfect will let you make the chewy and crispy cookies.

        Baked for 20 minutes, the cookies are crispy all the way through. Decrease the time by 4 minutes and they will be soft and chewy. For me, 18 minutes were perfect. Thick, chewy and with wrinkles on top! Yum! I also rotated the pan after 10 minutes of baking.

         Let's talk coarse sea salt for a moment. It changed the way I will want my cookies from now on.
Try it! Please. Sprinkle some on top of your cookies right before you pop them in the oven.
You take a bite and the salt melts on your tongue before the chocolate hits the taste buds. Let them combine and melt in your mouth.Delicious!

        My Hubby has a salty tooth and he loved the sea salt on top of these cookies! 

       I find it to balance and deepen the chocolate flavor in the same time. Fabulous!

        The original recipe does not call for the sea salt. I happen to buy it for the first time just recently and wanted to give it a try in a cookie. Because I sprinkled the sea salt on top of each cookie, I decreased the overall amount of salt to 1/4 of a teaspoon, instead of 1/2 a teaspoon called for in the recipe.
If possible, please weigh the flour on your kitchen scale.

Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 c + 2 Tbsp ( 10 2/3 oz. ) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
12 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 c packed light brown sugar
1/2 c granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 c chocolate chips
sea salt for sprinkling

Position your oven rack on the lowest level. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
Line your baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients ( flour, soda and salt ). Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugars for 1 - 2 minutes, until smooth.
Beat in eggs and vanilla and mix for 30 seconds.
On the lowest speed of your mixer, add the dry ingredients all at once and mix for 30 seconds. Do not overmix. Stir in chips with wooden spatula.
Drop the dough by 2 tablespoons, do not flatten. Sprinkle with sea salt.
Bake for 16 - 20 minutes ( see pic ). Rotate the sheet halfway through baking time.
Cool on sheet for 10 minutes, before removing to wire rack.
Cool baking sheet completely before the next batch.

source: America's Test Kitchen Feed via

Have you tried coarse sea salt in your cookies?


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  1. Perfect looking cookies - great recipe and photos - hope your little one breaks in his teeth soon!!!
    Mary x

  2. I've never tried sea salt on chocolate chip cookies, but it sounds like a delicious idea!

    1. I hope you will have a chance to try it, Jessica. It's amazing! Thank you!

  3. Nice to come here and get my chocolate chip cookie fix-yum! These do look like winners. Pretty cool that the baking temperature can be even be altered according to your texture preference. And yes, I will have the ones with sea salt on top. Delicious post!

  4. Perfect chocolate chip cookies? yes please! I've never tried coarse salt in cookies but I am loving the sweet and salty combination at the moment :)

    1. I don't know why I've never tried it before - it makes total sense now :) Thank you!

  5. Yes, they look perfect, Anna! Way to go :) I'm lovin' CCC mondays. They are my all-time favorite cookie, of course. Can't really get any better than a CCC!

  6. I love chocolate chip cookies! What a fabulous recipe. Looks delicious!

  7. Out of the 3 cookies with different baking time, I like the softest one the best. The medium soft is ok but the 20 min one is a no-no for me and my family :D I like to put salt too in some of my sweets... Nice!

    1. That's why I love this recipe. You can get three different types from one batch. Thank you, Zoe!

  8. I would say the 18 min version does look perfect!

  9. Gosh...teething huh? I remember those days well and I'm amazed you have the energy to even bake cookies. Hope you get a good nights sleep today. I love the salt here... great play on sweet and salty. I think I would totally go the 18 minute cookie... heck they are CCC...I love them all. :)

  10. Wow, I love these chewy ones and so does my hubby and our daughter!!They look absolutely delicious and I'm not surprised that they were disappearing :)I have to try this for sure!!Lovely recipe Anna!!

    1. Thank you so much, dear Soni! Let me know what your family thinks if you get a chance to make these cookies.

  11. Oh I'm all about chocolate chip cookies, and yours look divine. MMMM! Want one now...more like 3 or 4! =) Thanks for sharing.

    1. I can promise you, with this recipe it will not end on just 4! lol Thank you so much!

  12. I could easily eat a dozen! They are great!

  13. Wonderful idea adding sea salt, I haven't tried it on cookies yet but I will next time I bake some =) mmm now I want a chocolate chip cookie lol.

  14. Anna, your cookies look so delicious! I use sea salt sometimes, but never thought of topping cookies with it so this is a must try. My grandson is teething too---molars now, so I know about those sleepless nights. Good luck with it for the both of you---soon he will be biting into one of your great cookies!

  15. Okay first of all these cookies are incredible. I love the way you showed them at different times. Great idea.

  16. Love the sea salt addition! These cookies look very decadent and delicious!

  17. Oooooh! Anna! I think these might be my favorite so far! I love a chewy cookie. And sprinkle of sea salt is just perfect! Hey...and thanks so much...I love seeing the cookies baked at different times! And you are right...18 minutes to perfection! : )

  18. I have never added sea salt to chocolate cookies before, but it does sound yummy. I love the sweet salty combination.

  19. I love a good chocolate cookie and your recipe looks great!

  20. I love the cooking time comparison, and I totally would've chosen the same one as you - up with chewy chocolate chip cookies :)

  21. This recipe is a keeper, definitely. Oh, I can totally sympathize with the teething episode...Thanks for sharing.

  22. These look delicious and its a great recipe. I love how you sprinkled sea salt on top of them! So yummy!

    1. Thank you, Beth Michelle! I hope you will try them.

  23. Chocolate chips with sea salt? Yes, yes, yes. I just need a large glass of milk!

  24. This is another to die for version of chocolate chip cookies, Anna! I'm really loving your CCC Monday series!

  25. Love your post, especially the picture with the different baking times ... thanks!


Sweet thoughts