
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Limeade Ice Pops with Strawberry and Kiwi

        Have you ever tried to reason with a 3-year-old? It's amazing how fast they can trick you into something.

       "I am three years old so I want three crayons!". That is my youngest daughter's recent argument for everything.

        Everything has to be in threes. Three bedtime stories, three loveys to cuddle while sleeping ( even though they always end up on the floor or under her bed ), three baby carrots at a time on her dinner plate, three more marshmallows... oh boy, I could go on and on! Right now she is in her terrible two's phase, although it seems to linger a bit if you ask me... :)

        So what does it have to do with ice pops? Absolutely nothing, but I find myself tired in the end of a hot day and craving a satisfying and cooling treat.These pops are just that!

       After the success of my no-bake cheesecake and whipped milk ice cream, I made a list of more no-bake desserts for this Summer. Ice pops were one of the top treats.

      I used limes instead of lemons, because I am slightly obsessed with them recently. I made so many dishes featuring this gorgeous green citrus fruit that I just can't wait to share them with you! I plan to make you lime-obsessed too! :)

      These ice pops are so easy to make and so addicting! I hope you will give them a try. You will find them to be a nice change from lemonade. They are kiddos-approved because of the fruit slices and man-approved for the taste.

Limeade Ice Pops with Strawberry and Kiwi

3/4 c water
1/2 c lime juice
1/4 c agave, honey or simple syrup ( I used lime scented simple syrup from making candied lime peels )
8 strawberry slices
8 kiwi slices

In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together water, lime juice and syrup.
Place fruit slices in pops molds.
Carefully, pour the liquid over into molds.
Freeze until solid, 6 hours or overnight.
To release, run mold under warm water for few seconds.

makes: 8 ice pops
source: adapted from Weelicious


I promised to share few photos from our celebrations this past weekend.
Here they go:

My Lil' Guy and me...

With Daddy, blowing the candle...

Giggles :D

I will be back tomorrow for the 1st Blue Ribbon Challenge! Hope to see you here!


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  1. those popsicles look delicious! so refreshing for summer!

  2. Love, love, love that smile of your little boy!! Too cute!
    These ice pops sound perfectly refreshing!

  3. Sweet photos! I pinned your ice pops to try this Summer, they looks pretty with the fruit inside;-)

  4. I love the slices of fruit in the popsicles!! So pretty. And what a cutie pie you have there :)

    1. Thank you, Abby :) What can I say, he is adorable :)

  5. I love the family photos...what a cutie pie! And one of your ice pops would be perfect on this scorching evening :)

  6. Oh my gosh, I'm dying over the giggles photo! So incredibly adorable! Also, I love your dark hair!

  7. Another great treat during this hot weather. I love the fruit!
    What a beautiful baby! Love his laughter!

  8. Your story is so funny! My son's 3 and I'm enjoying this age. You're family's beautiful and the icy pop treat is much needed here. : )

  9. Love these 'cool' pops, and the photos are simply adorable. Your babe is a redhead? We are fond of them in our family. Hubby is a redhead and 4 of our 8 grandchildren are too. LOOOOVE it! Very sweet post...pun intended...=)

  10. My sons saw this post & they can't wait to try out these lovely ice pops! They're really lovely & I'm sure very yummy too; I love your family pictures with your adorable son! He is soo CUTE & what a sweetheart!

  11. Those photos are darling. Your son is so so so cute! These ice pop sound delicious. I love the slices of fruit in them! So pretty!!


Sweet thoughts