
Monday, June 18, 2012

Excuses, excuses...

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend celebrating Father's Day! What did you eat? What dessert did you have? 

I am here to apologize for the lack of CCC Monday this week. I could bore you with all the excuses I have...

They are all good though!

For starters, we were celebrating Father's Day and our son's 1st Birthday this weekend. There was lots of baking and cooking and grilling going on. Food was amazing, we made few things that will appear on the blog in the coming days.

I made my first boy-ish birthday cake! Mind you, it wasn't perfect, but everyone seemed to love it! Especially my Little Guy! :) I plan on sharing the photos as soon as they make their way from the camera to my computer...

With all that, I simply did not have time to make chocolate chip cookies.... :(

But I will be back tomorrow with a delicious recipe to cool with on these hot days. So stay tuned!


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  1. Sounds like your weekend was quite full of cooking and entertaining. I look forward to your posts to come!

  2. No worries Anna! We'll just be looking forward to next Monday even more! Glad you had some wonderful family celebrations over the weekend! Looking forward to seeing what's in store! : )

  3. Hmmm... I think I can forgive you. ;) kidding, of course. I can't wait to see the cake!

  4. Wow a birthday and father's day! That IS a busy weekend! I hope it was wonderful!!

  5. Happy birthday to your little prince :)

  6. I can't wait to see the cake you made for your little one! :)

  7. Hey, no excuses!! You deserve to have fun with your family. :) I finally was able to make my mousse today.... looking forward to the linking party tomorrow. :)


Sweet thoughts