
Saturday, April 21, 2012

White Chocolate Chip and Raisins Cookies

        My Hubby is very particular about his chocolate chips cookies. He has this magical ability to recognize the perfection in them. As I refuse to buy a ready-made dough in a tube, I am looking far and low for the best recipe.

        Why do you think his favorite cookies are snickerdoodle and not the all-time-classic chocolate chip?

        Because I have not perfected them yet... And when it comes to classics - I want perfection.

       So I have been on the hunt for the best chocolate chip cookies recipe. I tried so many of them, I could write a book about it! Few times I actually got them right! I was happy and content.

       Until I made them again... and they would raise too much... and be too chunky....

     What are the features I am looking for? Flat, crispy edges, gooey and chewy inside, studded with chocolate chips and "when you pull the cookie apart it has to have the gooey threads".

     Yes, I did Google it out.

     And got 2,3 million results!

     It means that I am not the only one who wants my chocolate chip cookies that way.

    And that 2 million people found the secret to it and I am not one of them...

    But I am not being discouraged by the statistics! I accept the challenge with grace! I will make batches and batches until my apron hangs on a single thread and there is no more flour in town!

   Aaaanyways, at this point I am baking the cookie dough without the chips. I will bake a first dozen and then I know if it's what I am looking for. This time, the cookie was chewy on the inside and had the crispy edges, but it was too chunky, and there was no gooey threads.

    So I added white chocolate chips and raisins to the dough and instantly, magical-y the cookie was accepted and yummy.

White Chocolate Chips and Raisins Cookies

1 1/2 c all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
4 oz. butter, softened
1/2 c granulated sugar
1/2 c packed brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 c white chocolate chips
1/2 c raisins

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients ( flour, soda ). Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter for 2 minutes. Add sugars and salt. Beat until fluffy.
Add the egg and vanilla. Mix until incorporated. Add the flour mixture and stir it in.
Add the chips and raisins and stir again. Scoop the dough with a cookie scoop or a tablespoon onto the baking sheet.
Bake 11-12 minutes, until the edges start to brown.
Cool on a wire rack.

   Please, don't think it's a reject cookie recipe. They are really delicious! If you are a fan of white chocolate and raisins combo - you will love these!

  I will keep you posted on my search and if you have any tips or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments. I am eager to hear them!

How do you like your chocolate chip cookies?

Linking up to Weekend Potluck.


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  1. those cookies sound delicious! have you tried the alton brown recipe for chewy chocolate chip cookies yet? that is my all time favorite recipe so far for those

    1. I have not because of the bread flour. Thank you for the suggestion though. I am desperate for the one recipe, so I might just have to give it a try. Thank you, Jenn!

  2. I have never tried white chocolate and raisin... great idea! My husband and kids are all little cookie monsters.... so they would nom.. nom.. nom... these all up. :)

  3. These look fabulous sweetie! I think snickerdoodles are just tasty and I could see why it would be a favorite! Have a fantastic week my friend! Xoxo

  4. I love making cookies with white chocolate chips!

    1. Yay! I hope you will make these! Thank you, Elizabeth!

  5. I definitely think these look like perfection! I like the nice big chunks of chocolate...homemade biscuits are so much better than shop bought! :-)

  6. The best cookies are always with white chocolate chips!

  7. I cannot resist a cookie with white chocolate...yours look outstanding!!!

  8. Me Cookie Monster! I am SO with you about wanting to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie. I dream about such things too! So tickled you shared this at Weekend Potluck - so happy to have you - please link up again soon. It's easy to see you have some awesome recipes to share!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I love Weekend Potluck! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  9. White chocolate and raisin is a combo that is for me :-) I will try these for sure...even though they are not THE ones ;-) Thanks for sharing!

  10. I have never tried white chocolate chip in my cookies. Would love to give a try to your recipe. Your clicks are looking great!

  11. You definitely described my perfect cookie! Has to be crisp on the edges and gooey in the middle. My hubby like crisp all the way through, so our cookies get baked for different times!
    Your white chocolate chip cookies look incredible...

    1. It's good to know I am not alone in this :) Thank you, Karen!

  12. Oooo yyumm! I can't wait wait until you find that chocolate chip cookie recipe :) Those do sound like perfection! These white chocolate and raisin sound DELICIOUS too! Perfect sweet combo :)

  13. OOooooh I love the combination of white chocolate and raisins.

    I will have to give this a try.

  14. Oh yes, you've got all the good stuff in these cookies - delicious!
    Mary x

  15. Your cookies look perfect indeed! Love the white chocolate and raisins combo!

  16. My husband loves both white chocolate and raisins. Those are a perfect afternoon snack for him.

  17. I had to giggle when I read your post - I google textures of cookies all the boyfriend likes them kind of crispy - more wafery, so I can't tell you how many times I've searched some version of "crunchy chocolate chip cookie" or "crackled cookie" etc etc. Your recipe looks fantastic, and I like the combo of white chocolate and raisins!

    1. Lol How fun! At least we have a sweet challenge :) Thank you, Julia!

  18. I have never thought of the white chocolate chips with the raisins, but it does sound like a tasty combo! Your explanation of these does make me want to try them, but your picture has some influence too. Great one for the cookie jar!

  19. It'sgreat to be back int he states and catching up on all your scrumptious-looking posts from the past three months! I missed them while I was gone! The combo of the whit echocolate and raisins in this cookie reminds me of the yogurt-covered raisins you can buy in bulk at the grocery stores, and those are some of my most favorite treats ever! Definitely a winning cookie. :)


Sweet thoughts