
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Peanut Butter and Jelly Cheesecake Bars

       It's the third Thursday of the month.

       What does that mean?

      It's the Improv Challenge time!!

      As a participant, you have to make something that will include two assigned ingredients.

      This month the two ingredients were: peanut butter and jelly.

       A perfect pair for a baker, if you ask me.

      As of recently I am on a bars roll, I went with cheesecake bars for the challenge.

     They are delicious and will satisfy any pb&j lover. Yum!

 Peanut Butter and Jelly Cheesecake Bars

makes 16

for the crust:
1/2 c butter, softened
1/3 c powdered sugar
1/2 c all-purpose flour
1/2 c oatmeal
1/4 c Cheerios, crushed

                                                       Grease a 8" x 8" square baking dish. Set aside.
Beat the butter for 2 minutes.
The butter has to be really soft. It whips better.
Add the sugar and beat until fluffy.

Add the flour and mix it all with a spatula or a wooden spoon.
Add the cereal and oatmeal and mix it all until combined.

Press the dough into your prepared pan.
 It will be sticky so be patient.
Note: I highly recommend using parchment paper or a aluminum foil to line the pan with. It will make it easier to get the baked bars out onto a platter. I will certainly do that next time. :)
Bake for 18 - 20 minutes, until the edges start to brown.
Leave the oven on the same temperature.

for the filling:
1 8oz. cream cheese, softened
1 egg, room temperature
1/3 c peanut butter
1/4 c granulated sugar
2 Tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
3 Tbsp jelly ( I used my homemade cranberry jam )

Beat the cream cheese until creamy.

Reserve about a 1/2 c of soft, whipped cream cheese.
Mix it will 3 Tbsp of jelly. Set aside.

To the rest of the cream cheese, add the peanut butter and beat until combined.
Add the sugar and beat until fluffy.
Like this. :) Yum!
Now go, give your Hubby a spoonful to taste.
He will love you for it.
Trust me. :)
Add the egg and mix well.
Add the vanilla and milk and mix again.
Add the flour and stir with a spatula or a wooden spoon.
Spread the cheesecake filling over the crust.
Spoon out the jelly cream cheese mixture and swirl with a spoon.
Bake 18 - 20 minutes. It will appear set and start to come off on the sides.
Cool for 30 minutes on the counter and then transfer to a fridge and cool about 2 hours.

Voila! PB and J cheesecake bars to enjoy. :)
You can warm up a little bit of jelly in a small bowl in a microwave and drizzle if over the bars before serving.

If you are interested in participating and joining the Improv Challenge group, contact Kristen from Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker.
I hope you do, because it's always lots of fun!


The winner of the Dessert Decorator Pro was announced yesterday. You can see it here.


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Also linking this up to Sweet Treats Thursday on Something Swanky. and Foodie Friday. and Weekend Potluck.


  1. Hello Anna...Bars looks so yummy and mouthwatering.

  2. Gorgeous bars! I love your step by step pictures!

  3. I never thought of peanut butter cheesecake but it sounds like it would be amazing, especially with the jelly cream cheese on top :)

  4. oh my goodness! i cannot wait to try these! they look amazing!

  5. ack! Big fan of cheesecake! I'm going to have to try your crust recipe one of these days. (I use Cheerios in place of Rice Krispies for marshmallow treats -- don't know why I never thought of crushing them for a crust... Thanks for the good idea!)

  6. I love the layering in these bars and I think that you really aced this challenge. Creative use of ingredients, especially the cereal for some good texture in the crust. Impressive and delicious post!

  7. Too die for! I love every ingredient in there and am drooling big time. If only I weren't trying to lose a few pounds!!!

  8. Oh yum! Love the step by step too!


  9. SO beautiful Anna! I think this would be another pb and j combo I'd eat, too!

  10. Sweet Anna, I love PB&J. These look delish!

  11. You simply cannot go wrong with cheesecake in any form. Those bars sounds lip smacking good!!

  12. I would so eat every PB and J recipe from this improv!! I love the cheesecake... great idea. :)

  13. These bars look wonderful - each bite must taste like heaven for sure :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  14. being a huge fan of cheesecake in almost any form, I would seriously devour this!

  15. These look wonderful, and I love the ingredients used in the crust~Cheerios? I am so making this recipe!

  16. beauuuuuutiful & yummy post....drooling here..;)
    Tasty Appetite

  17. Oh Anna....having these two ingredients in a cheesecake is sheer perfection! This looks awesome!

  18. Cheesecake bars are my fav and I love that you did the step by step pictures. Great take on this month's improv challenge. :)

  19. Mmm, these are some great recipes! I love the combo..

  20. Oh, I hadn't thought of using peanut butter and jelly in cheesecake--what a great idea! I love this!

  21. Love this take on cheesecake bars. I bet they taste so good! I'm intrigued by the cheerios too.

  22. I've had so much fun reading the PB&J improv posts. The combination isn't done in Australia and when I put them together I get "ewww." I do it anyway!

    These bars look great.

  23. I love PB&J and I love cheesecake ... and I suspect they are fabulous when combined! Great post ... looks and sounds delicious!

  24. Beautiful and delectable pb cheesecake bars! I love all the flavours.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Anna.

  25. You had me at peanut butter.. these look incredible!

  26. You've combined 3 of my favorite things! Love this recipe :)

  27. Yum! I think that sums it up.

  28. Those bars sound wonderful and your tutorial is great. Thanks so much for linking up at Weekend Potluck - would love to have you come again soon.

  29. cheesecake by itself id delciious but I can imagine how good these bars taste

  30. This is an awesome improv submission. I bowed out this go round, because creatively only a sandwich kept coming to mind. :)

    I love cheesecake and the short cut of cheerios!

    Well done Anna :)

  31. This looks delicious! Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)


Sweet thoughts