
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hot Cross Buns

This year was the first time I tried my hand in making hot cross buns.

I saw the on the Pioneer Woman’s website and boy, where they calling my name! :)

More like screaming: “ Make me! “

So I did.

I am so weak when it comes to homebaked breads and buns….

Aaaanyways, the dough is so easy to put together. You can bake the buns the same day or refrigerate and bake when you are ready. I did both.

You are asking, where is the frosting cross?

Well, I ditch it.


The buns were so good spread with butter that I decided not to make the frosting. Besides, I made a frosting slathered cake for Easter ( post coming up ) so I really didn’t miss it.

I hope you will try Ree’s recipe. She has a picture-loaded tutorial on making these.

You will love it!

Few more things:

1. I did a little Spring cleaning. Here on the blog. Whatcha think? Yeah or meah?

2. There is still time to enter the giveaway for the dessert decorator pro. Please, enter through rafflecopter.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! We sure did. Lots of great food and fabulous desserts. Easter egg hunt was a success and there is really not that much of fake grass to clean up.

I will be back with a delicious and deviliciously addicting cake recipe. So stay tuned!


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  1. You are so fantastic!My stomachs grumbly after looking at these babies, marvelous!I love your new look! I only wish I could figure out how to make a header!(It may just be a time thing) Have a super fantastic week!

    1. Thank you, sweetie! After some explanations from my Hubs ( aka the tech expert ), I put this header together in 10 minutes! I am so glad you like it! I will e-mail you with the step by step info. xoxo

  2. I've never made these buns, I definitely need to soon! They looks so perfectly golden and buttery! Yummy! Beautiful pictures too. :)

    1. Thank you, Annie! I hope you do make them - they are soooo good! I already miss them... :)

  3. Hi Anna, Love the new look on your blog. The buns look delicious especially with a slab of butter. I am impressed by anyone that bakes their own bread! Glad you had a good Easter weekend - look forward to the cake! :)

  4. They look fantastic. Last year I tried making some and they were hard as rocks, I obviously did not do something right lol.

    1. Lol :) I hope you will try them again with PW's recipe. Easy-peasy!

  5. Jimminy Christmas!! There must be calories in laptop screens. I gain weight when I read your posts and lick the pictures....

  6. I really do like the new look. I need to update my blog. It is clean, but very plain.
    These buns look a lot different than most that I have seen. Sometimes I am more in a toast mood than a donut mood when it comes to breakfast and these look like they are the in between, which is perfect for those days. Stunning photos here.

    1. Thank you, Tina! I am glad you like the changes on the blog.

  7. Look like this is another great recipe to try. These rolls look delicious :D

  8. I love the Pioneer Woman... and these hot cross buns look perfect!! Well done Anna! :)

  9. I have given you an award on my blog!

  10. When rolls are that good, who needs the frosting? I think they are lovely just the way they are.

  11. Great buns!!! lol ... seriously, these look delicious ;-) Have a wonderful day!!!

  12. These hot cross buns(minus the frosting) are the healtiest that I've seen! I'll make sure that I'm going home with one! Cheers!

  13. These look gorgeous, and I bet they tasted fab! Hope you had a great Easter! :)

  14. LOVE hot cross buns and yours look wonderful - I really wouldn't be able to resist either!
    Mary x

  15. Oh, these are so glossy and gorgeous!! I think my family would prefer these without frosting...slathered with butter is the way to go :) Can't wait to see your cake!!! xo

  16. Hi Anna! These look delicious! I was at the bookstore yesterday and was previewing The Pioneer Woman's new cookery book, have you seen it? I've only been able to watch a couple of her shows. In a couple of weeks she'll be around my neck of the woods speaking and signing her book.

    1. Hi Vanessa! I haven't seen the book yet, only the previews on the website. But I know it is going to be amazing! So lucky of you to have PW signing the book in your town. I hope you will go with your camera and take loads of photos! :) Thank you for stopping by!

  17. These look so beautifully golden brown and soft. Well done!

  18. Oh YUM-MY! I get weak in the knees for bread. These look fantastico. Love the look. Hugs

  19. These are gorgeous and glistening! Please link up to Foodie Friday

  20. These look wonderful! I have yet to try any of Ree's recipes, though I have a few bookmarked! Thanks for sharing these! Have a lovely day!

  21. they turned out perfect! I've never made them but they sure look delicious


Sweet thoughts