
Monday, April 2, 2012

Dessert Decorator Giveaway!

~~~~ The Giveaway is closed. The winner is Sweet As Sugar Cookies!! Congratulations!! Thank you so much for all the entries. It was fun to host my 1st giveaway. :) I am planning more of them.~~~~

                    So how about we start the week the right way, shall we?

                    It's the first giveaway on Crunchy Creamy Sweet blog! Yay!

                    Are you as excited as I am? I hope so. :)

                    Few weeks ago, my mom and I had a great time shopping in our local Bed Bath and Beyond. I got the dessert decorator for her and she loves it so much that we decided to go back and get another one.
It's a beauty!
                    It can be yours! All you need to do is enter this giveaway. There is lots of ways to do it. If you do not have a blog, but "like" my page on Facebook - you can enter too! Just leave me a comment saying you are coming through FB.

It includes 6 tips, two couplers, a storage bag and Recipes and Instruction booklet.

                     You know by now that I love to decorate my desserts. On several occasions I said how much I adore my 1M tip. I made these rosette cupcakes and decorated this and this cake with it.
                    But wait! This decorator is not only for decorating with frosting. You can use it with spreads to create fabulous appetizers!  It also fits most decorating tips, if you already have some.

                     So do not wait any longer and enter the giveaway! Enter below through rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is for US and Canada residents only.
This giveaway runs from April 2nd until April 16th. I will announce the winner on April 18th.
This giveaway is sponsored by yours truly.

Good luck!

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  1. I LOVE this Anna!! You know how I feel about those rosette cupcakes, I want to learn and I think I know how i might be able to do it!!! Great giveaway!

  2. Great giveaway Anna!! You know how I feel about those cupcakes and learning to make those rosettes!! Woohoo!!

  3. This is such a fun giveaway. Who wouldn't love this and all the things it can do to doctor up just an ordinary dessert making it into something spectacular.

    Thank you for the chance to win this. How fun!

  4. This is a great gadget Anna! I already have these and I do not know what I would do without them. They really are a must if you want great presentations on desserts. Good luck to the entrants!

  5. Hi Anna =)) What a great give away and since I don't own a decorating kit yet, this is WONDERFUL!! I think I'd have to make a dark chocolate cake with peanut butter and butter cream swirled frosting. But the options are limitless, so don't hold me too it, lol ;-) Have a great day and thank you!!!

  6. Anna! What a fun giveaway! What will I make if I win? Gosh, there are too many things to mention. Definitely some cakes...they're my favorite thing to gussy up! Thanks for hosting this and hope your week is off to an awesome start!

  7. This is making me drool... Definitely would be a step up from my ziplock baggy decorating ways! Awesome!

  8. I'll decorate a layer cake

  9. Great giveaway! I have one, so don't include me, but I'm sure your winner will love it. Good luck to all!

  10. WOW...How very cool is that, this is a great giveaway idea.

  11. I'd love to have this. My piping bags are getting pretty old. Love following your blog.

  12. Omygosh great giveaway! I just found something similar hidden up in my pantry (my mom used to be big into decorating!). I was so excited!

  13. Love your blog, Im following you and love your giveaway!

  14. cakes, cupcakes, cookies, you name it!

  15. Yay for giveaways! I am so excited to see who will win!

  16. Love this, yea for giveaways!! Come and enter on our site for a Michael Symon's cookbook at Cheers, Tara

  17. If I won this I would decorate cakes, cupcakes and cookies!

  18. Follow Crunch Creamy Sweet on GFC

  19. What a great give away!!! I can imagine all the awesome things you could make with this. I don't have Facebook my apologies I am super lame that way lol. I already follow your wonderful blog. :)

  20. Hi Anna,

    This is very generous giveaway! I don't qualify to enter this but I still "like" anyway :D


  21. Awesome giveaway! This will definitely be useful in my cake and cookie decorating!

  22. Who wants one you say? ME ME ME! What a fantastic giveaway Anna!

  23. I could definitely use one of these.

  24. If I won, I would use it to decorate cakes.

  25. I love this!! If I won, I would decorate cakes and cupcakes! I LOVE cake decorating! :) Fabulous giveaway!!

  26. Great giveaway! I would probably decorate cupcakes :)

  27. I would love to win this. It would go good with all of my baking things I have now. Always good to have new items to use when baking. Thanks for the great giveaway. Howe I can win.


  28. Woke up quite early today to check to see who's won. I've noticed people are commenting on what they would do if they won. If I get picked I would love to give this to my daughter. Perfect for her birthday she's 11 :)


Sweet thoughts