
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7x7 Link Award

                I had a pleasure to receive the 7x7 Link Award from Ramona of Curry and Comfort! Ramona is one of my dear foodie friends and I feel truly honored to be nominated by her. Thank you so much, Ramona!

              The rules for receiving the award:

1. Thank the person who gave it to you.

2. Share seven random facts about yourself.

3. Share seven of your worthy posts under the following headers: Most Beautiful Piece, Most Helpful, Most Popular, Most Controversial, Most Surprisingly Successful, Most Underrated and Most Pride Worthy.

4. Nominate seven other bloggers and notify them.

Here is my list of bloggers for this award:

1.Serena at Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch

2. Jenni from Pastry Chef Online

3. Maggie from Kitchie Coo

4. Liz from That Skinny Chick Can Bake

5. Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids

6. Tina from Flourtrader

7. Richard from What's Cooking at Richard's?

           I shared my random facts yesterday. You can see them here.

My 7 links:

1. The most beautiful piece post:

Rosette Cupcakes
2. The most helpful post:

Homemade peanut butter

3. The most popular post:

Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

4. The most controversial post:

Ginger-licious Carrot Brownies

5. The most surprisingly successful post:

Chocolate crinkle cookies

6. The most underrated post:

Kiwi Jam ( Fridge Style )

7. The most pride worthy post:

Chocolate chantilly in lace cookie cups

               Hop on over to visit my nominees blogs. They will welcome you with the most delicious dishes you have ever seen! I am going back to the kitchen to whip up something delicious to share with all of you. :)

              Have a great day, my friends!

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  1. That's a shame about the kiwi jam...I found that one the most interesting. But all of the others are delectable as well, don't get me wrong :)

    It is quite the award week around here for you :)

    Have a great day Anna!

  2. Congratulations! Love the posts that you chose. Have never made homemade peanut butter- can't wait to try it!

  3. Surprised about the kiwi jam, can't wait to try it. The chocolate chantilly in lace cookie cups look amazing. Congrats on the award.

  4. Congratulations on your award - it's well deserved! I remember your posts...and I LOVE the pride worthy post. I think it's my favorite of yours.

  5. Congrats on the award. All your posts look great...each one of them!! Well done :)

  6. It was so nice to see all your lovely posts again. It always makes me sad to see the one that everyone picks as the one that didn't get the "love" it deserved. :( I always want to shout... I loved it.. I did! :) Great job Anna!

  7. Congratulations and loving the compilation!

  8. Congratulations on your award! Beautiful choice of links to share, they are all very well done;-)

  9. Congratulations!
    All 7 dishes are wonderful, I love esp. the cupcakes!

  10. those boston cream pie cupcakes look extremely delicious!!

  11. Congrats on the awards! I enjoyed seeing a selection of your posts, they all look wonderful!

    1. It's truly an honor to have you stop by my little space, Katherine. Thank you so much!

  12. Lovely posts. Your lace chocolate cups are beautiful. My husband and I celebrate our anniversary in February too! Bring on the chocolate! LOL

  13. Congrats with your award. I must say your blog is always fantastic and all your desserts are beautifully created with lots of dedication.

    Thanks for passing on the award to me. Very honored to receive the recognition from you :D

  14. Thanks so much Anna for choosing me!! Sorry for the late reply, but know that I appreciate it so much and am flattered. And congrats to you too!! Hope you're having a great week!!


Sweet thoughts