
Monday, February 6, 2012

Sweet Valentine Brownies and Blog Awards

          I promised to share tips and ideas for your Valentine's Day desserts.

          This is one of them.

          This dessert is ahh-mazing! You get your favorite brownie, frosted and drizzled with caramel sauce. Read that again. :)

          Talk about a perfect way to dress up a brownie for your Sweetheart!

Brownie kiss :)

Start with your favorite brownie recipe. We all have one, right? You want to make this dessert perfect!
I used a heart shaped baking pan for whoopie pies. If you do so, adjust the baking time, to 10 - 13 minutes. You do not want to over bake your brownies.
After they cool, frost them and drizzle the caramel sauce over the top.

I used this frosting recipe.
I also have a caramel sauce recipe here, on the blog, but I may have just found my new favorite one! My Hubby had 3 teaspoons when taste-testing and declared it "sooooo good". :)
Caramel sauce that is man-approved? Score!!

Caramel Sauce:

1 c granulated sugar
6 Tbsp unsalted butter, room temperature
2/3 c heavy cream, room temperature

Place the sugar in a medium saucepan. Place on medium heat and whisk. Eventually, it will start to melt and clump up. Just keep whisking. It will melt and turn caramel color.
When all the sugar is melted, remove from heat and add all the butter. Keep whisking until smooth.
Add the cream, pouring slowly. Whisk until all combined and smooth. Pour into a jar and let sit for 10 - 15 minutes on a counter. Place in the refrigerator while you make the brownies and frosting. It should keep well for 2 weeks in the fridge, but I won't swear by it because mine disappeared the next day. :D
It will turn cloudy while it cools.
source: Brown Eyed Baker

If you read my blog, you know that recently I was awarded the Liebster Award.
In the past two weeks, I received not one, not two... wait for it.. not three (!!).. but FOUR more Liebster Awards!! ( thud - me against the floor - faint )
That's 4 of them  total! I feel like it's the Oscars and my movie just won! :)
I would like to thank the Academy... lol :)

Ok, seriously now. I would LOVE to thank my fellow bloggers. You guys are the sweetest bunch ever! I am amazed that someone actually reads my blog, not to mention uses my recipes, and awards my blog!
Every time that number on the right rises - I do my happy dance! ( btw, that's how I stay lean :D It's my workout, people! Ok, having three little ones helps too :D ).

I want you to meet, if you already don't know them, the three wonderful blogger who chose CCS for the awards.

Sweet Aimee from Bargain Bites - her close-up photos will have you drooling! 

Rockin' it Stephanie at Rodeo Bucket who has some delicious recipes that are diabetic - friendly.

Adorable Kristine from Whipped Baking - you need to see her raspberry jam filled cupcakes! Yumm!

Fabulous Pam from Pam's Midwest Kitchen Korner - her recipes will make you feel right at home!

Now it's my turn to spread a little love. I am passing this award to these fellow bloggers.
I thought it would only be fair if I chose 20 of them.

1. Laura from Laura Loves Cakes
2. Daisy from Daisy's World
3. Ann from At the Patisserie
4. Little J from Whisk it good
5. Beti from Beti Vanilla
6. Richard from What's Cooking at Richard's
7. Jaclyn from Cooking Classy
8. Andrea from Quest for Delish
9. Yelena from Cooking Melangery
10. Shari from The Saucy Gourmet
11. Marina from Cooking Essential
12. Susan at The Weekly Sweet Experiment
13. Jay from Foodie In Me
14. Peggy from Hidden Haven Homestead Too
15. Jessie from Cooking Moments
16. Renee from Attack of the Hungry Monster
17. Irina from Nutty Crunch
18. Jess from Hungry Harps
19. Heidi from Food and Fun
20. Mom What's For Dinner

A Liebster Blog Award is given to talented  and loved bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

Here are the rules:
  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
  2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
  3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
  4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
  5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.


post signature


  1. YUMMM Those brownies look so good--caramel and chocolate are made to go together!

  2. I really like what you have done here. Pairing caramel with chocolate is a delicious choice! Also, the presentation really does tempt. I want one-but I do not want to wait until Valentines. Now since you have taken care of this holiday-don't forget Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras. I definitely need to get on the ball for all of these holidays!

    1. Dearest Tina, thank you so much! There is much more to come - stay tuned :D

  3. WHOAWHOAWHOA!! I totally didn't see my name there! I am completely surprised, flattered, and grateful! This means so much to me Anna, I almost don't now what to say except thank you so much!

  4. PS-Glad it is raining awards here-you definitely deserve them! Great choice of bloggers you have passed them to also.

  5. Thanks so much for the award Anna thats awesome!

  6. Congratulations! You really deserve those awards, your blog is amazing (and so are those brownies, yum!)

  7. Love this brownie with caramel. My Valentines would definitely love this sweet treat. Congrats on all the awards!! Well deserved! I know what you mean about doing a happy dance... I do it too. :)

  8. Anna, thanks for the award. You are so sweet! I'm not sure I can particpate since I have over 500 followers.

    I love the sweet valentine's brownies. Very decadent!!

    1. Sweet Daisy, I wasn't sure how many followers you have, but being such a big fan of your blog - I really wanted to include you! Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope it is ok that others have awarded me this award. I am loving all the appreciation and I too awarded some lovely blogs. I think this is a great way to show how much work we do. I too do a happy dance and I love clicking follow to each blog I see. Thanks again it is much appreciated.

  10. Brownie ideas and a award... WOW! thank you so much! Always love popping in for a visit here.

  11. Every award counts for me.Thanks CCS for giving me this award though I'm still a bit blur as to what really it is. I will promise to pass on the award to everyone else later but now, I'm actually waiting for the cabbie to take us to the airport.Won't be able to access the internet after that. I'll do it once I come back from my holidays! Big bear hug to you!

    I'm taking this chance to say hi to everyone else who has been following CCS! Hopefully I'll have time to check on your blog later!

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Jessie! Have a great trip! Enjoy the award :)

  12. thank you so much for my award, Anna! I very much appreciate it. Liebster award sounds like a great idea and I will have to post some awards too as there are so many great blogs out there. Thank you very much, once again!

    (beautiful brownies by the way!)

  13. So delicious brownies! Love the pics!
    Congratulations on your awards!

  14. There's something so sweet about heart shaped desserts! Such a simple way to say I love you. Congrats on all your awards!

  15. Mmm..Mmmm..Good! Have a great week and congratulations on the award!

  16. Thank you so much can I have a brownie, they look AWESOME!!!!

  17. Hi Anna, your brownies look super awesome and just perfect for Val Day!

  18. Thank you so much...that's very first award!!! Congratulations to you the blog! :-)

    The Valentine's Brownies look really tasty too!

  19. What a great idea for Valentine's Day! Congrats on your award!

  20. Thank you, thank you so m uch for the award! Your brownies look amazing as well! Heidi

  21. Thank you Anna!! (now, I just have to figure out the instructions... where is my 7 year old?) :-)

  22. Thanks so much for thinking of me Anna! WHAOW!! I think this means I need to start blogging more so I can share the love. <3 little j

  23. oh yay! I have been looking for a good caramel brownie recipe to try! usually they say to use caramels, but I am so glad to have found a yummy homemade caramel sauce! janelovesbaking!

    1. Oh, I am so happy! Thank you! I hope you will try it - it's amazing! Hugs!

  24. Congrats on all the Liebsters! You are so deserving of them, and I am honored to have received one from you! These brownies are a-dorable. Another winner Valentine's treat!

  25. Hi CCS,I'm back from my holidays.I want to give away the blog award to 5 of my friends,can you please advise as to how to "copy & paste" the award logo to my blog?Kind of stuck on the selection after pressing on right click.Never do this before.Thanks!

    1. Just choose "save image as.. " and it will let you save it to a desired place on your computer. Then, when you want to add it to your post, just select it from the saved place ( desktop, folder or other ).

  26. Thank you so much, Jana! Welcome to CCS! I am following you back :)


Sweet thoughts