
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sweet Potato Waffles with Guinness Syrup

         With the Super Bowl Sunday this weekend, I want to make my Hubby a healthy yet man-approved breakfast. We will have chips and dips, wings with hot sauce and all that party food, but my strategy is to fill him up with healthy food so the not-so-healthy will be eaten in moderation.

        Now, you may wonder how to make a guy eat waffles or make him eat breakfast at all?

        First you have to bat your eye-lashes really pretty and smile, while you are stealing his favorite beer, which in my case would be Guinness Stout. :D

        I believe in you! You can do it!

       Gather your courage and go!

      Get some beer, because once you make this syrup - your guy will be happy. :)

He won't say "no" to this! :)

Sweet Potato Waffles
adapted from Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book Bridal Edition

1 3/4 c all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 1/2 c milk
3/4 - 1 c cooked, mashed sweet potatoes
1/2 c oil or melted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

Start your waffle iron.
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients ( flour, sugar, baking powder and salt ).
In a medium mixing bowl, beat slightly the eggs. Add the milk, oil, vanilla and the sweet potatoes. Mix until combined.
With a wooden spoon or a spatula, stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Do not over mix. The batter should be lumpy.
Make waffles according to manufacturer's directions of your iron.
Serve warm, with butter and syrup.

These waffles are really yummy! Your kids will love them with maple or chocolate syrup.

This one is for kiddos! Drizzle with maple or chocolate syrup.

Guinness Syrup ( aka Irish Stout Syrup )
source: Julia Usher

1 cup Guinness beer
1/2 cup packed brown sugar

In a small saucepan, bring the beer to a boil. Add the sugar and whisk until sugar dissolves. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes. Set aside to cool. It will thicken up as it cools. Store in a syrup container or a jar with lid.

 My Hubby really likes these, even though he will always take pancakes over waffles. :)

Decision: man - approved! :D

And here is my Little Man, all ready for Super Bowl! :)

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Yum! These look amazing! I haven;t had waffles in forever!!

  2. Oh my gosh!! Your little man is soooo darling! What a happy baby! Thanks for sharing his cutie pic. These waffles would most def be man approved in this house. Guiness syrup? You are the best wife ever! :-) Hope you're having a great weekend Anna!

    1. Sweet Maggie! Thank you so much! You make me blush :) I feel so blessed to have my Little Man! Have a wonderful Sunday and hug Anna from me! :) xoxo

  3. Very interesting breakfast here, love the pairing of the stout and the sweet potatoes. I have not had a good waffle in a while, this looks delicious.
    Your kiddo is so cute!

    1. Dearest Tina! Thank you so much! We have waffles and pancakes every Sunday - a family tradition :) Hugs!

  4. These look great, but the beer syrup puts them over the top!

  5. Awww your little guy is such a sweetheart!What a lovely and nutritious recipe this is.Fun and delicious!Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments, I'm very happy to be your newest follower :)

  6. OMG, your little man is adorable!!! I can't wait to try these, beer for breakfast, I love it!!!

  7. Oh I know what I am fixing for breakfast in the morning! Have lots of sweet potatoes from last years garden and now have a new recipe to help use them up. Am sure hubby will love them and the beer syrup. Thank you!!

    1. Aww, you are most welcome, Peggy! Thank you so much! Welcome to CCS!

  8. Molto invitante la tua ricetta, la voglio provare!!!
    Complimenti per il tuo bellissimo ometto, è fantastico!!!
    Ti seguo e se ti fa piacere passa a trovarmi.
    A presto

  9. Clever syrup. Sounds great!

  10. Omgosh those pictures of your son are too cute! :) I love sweet potatoes and I would love these waffles. Job well done... that syrup sound amazing. :)

  11. Great idea for a man-approved breakfast. Your son is so super cute!! Hope you had a good weekend :)

  12. An interesting idea for a waffle, I always think of sweet waffles and the Guiness syrup is genius!!

    And I agree with everyone else...your son is super cute!! :-)

  13. Hi Anna! Love this waffle idea! I awarded you something cute on my blog, check out I'm not sure you fall into the traditional guidelines but I absolutely love your blog and had to put you on my favorite blog list :)

  14. Love the smiles of your little man's face. He must be happy eating this mummy-licious waffles :D

    You are a genius making these waffles so unique being both the big man and the "little" man versions.

  15. waffles look wonderful
    cute little one
    following your site on google friends nice to meet you

  16. Your little one is so adorable! And this is the most creative!

  17. Hi, Your waffles looks delicious with the Guinness syrup! A waffle maker has been on my wish-list for so is still in my list!!
    Thank you for stopping by and for following, you have a lovely site, am following you too and will be back again! Have a lovely day!

  18. Good try, CCS! This is a very special version of waffle. And your boy is so cute! The news in Australia has mentioned about the Super Bowl too & Madonna's performance, of course!

  19. I need a wafle iron NOW!!!
    These looks amazing!

  20. So glad to have found your blog!! Congrats on the award. :) These waffles look heavenly!! I love the sweet potato added in, that sound brilliant!!

  21. Hi, pleased to have found your blog :))
    Your son is adorable..I'll be back!
    Can I admit to never having made waffles?...

  22. They look fabulous! I love the idea of using guinness to make the syrup. Very nutritious!

  23. Anna, those waffles look great. Yum! But your little man is perfect, what a doll! I've got an award over on my blog for you today!

  24. AWESOME! I love that you paired sweet potatoes with Guinness flavor. These must be the most awesome waffles ever!
    So glad I found your blog recently--following for the past few weeks has been so fun! I will miss all the fun for the next 3 months (on a mission abroad!), but it will be so great to catch up once i'm back! I am sure there will be a wealth of amazing yumminess waiting for me in my Google reader! :)

  25. With or without the syrup the waffles sound amazing! I love the addition of sweet potato - such a great way to sneak in some nutrients! Hope you enjoyed the game.

  26. Aw, your Chief's fan is so adorable! These certainly sound like man approved waffles...and I approve, too...yum!

  27. First off, your lil one is adorable! You've combined two things I love Guinness and sweet potatoes, this is a home run recipe in my book! Fantastic post!

  28. Guinness syrup?!?!? Genius! I really must try this.

  29. Oh my goodness! This will be a favorite recipe for my husband to make at his fire house! Wow!!


Sweet thoughts