
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yogurt Muffins with Lime Glaze

       It's the last day of January! Tomorrow I get a free pass to indulge in chocolate! I already teased you with the Triple Chocolate Bread here, but I have some amazing recipes coming up for you! :)
      My mission: to provide you with ideas, tips and recipes involving chocolate. Let's make this coming month a sweet one! :)

     See, that's how excited I am about it. :D

    To say good-bye to January, I made yogurt muffins with glaze. Feel free to use any fruit yogurt you like, not necessarily key lime, and pair it with the same fruit glaze. I was so distracted while making those ( dreaming of chocolate and more chocolate... ) that I cut the limes to juice them and then realized I didn't grate the zest. Bummer! It would give them a deeper flavor. Still, the muffins turned out great!

Yogurt Muffins with Lime Glaze

for the muffins:
5 oz. key lime yogurt ( or any other flavor yogurt )
1/2 c sugar
2 limes
5 Tbsp butter
2 c all-purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs, slightly beaten
3/4 c milk

for the glaze:
1/2 c powdered sugar
2 Tbsp lime juice

Fill your muffin tins with liners or grease them. Set aside. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Grate the zest of both limes and then juice one of them.
In a small saucepan, mix together 1/4 cup of sugar, lime zest and 2 Tbsp of lime juice. Heat to boil. Remove from heat and add butter. Stir until smooth. Set aside to cool.
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together dry ingredients ( flour, baking powder, soda and salt ).
In a small bowl, combine the yogurt, eggs with milk. Add to butter mixture. Mix well.
Add the wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir until just combined.
Divide batter among the muffin tins, filling 3/4 full.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cool in pans for 2 minutes, then place on a cooling rack to cool completely before glazing.
Prepare glaze by whisking together powdered sugar and lime juice. Glaze the muffins.


What is your favorite kind of chocolate? 
What do you like to pair it with?

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  1. These look good...I like yoghurt in cakes but never really thought about experimenting with flavoured yoghurt!! Enjoy the chocolate tomorrow! :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! I hope you will be back tomorrow :)

  2. I'm assuming that the yogurt is one of the wet ingredients but you left that out when combining eggs and milk. That said these sound wonderful. I especially like the glaze which can be transformed into so many other flavors. I've never done that but like the way it sounds. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Distracted - I am telling ya!:) It's corrected now. Thank you so much for pointing it out, Vicki!

  3. YUM these sound really awesome! I bet the yogurt gives it just the right amount of moisture and the glaze just the right amount of sweet. :)

  4. I've given you the Liebster Award! You are so talented and I love your blog! Please see my post for more information and how you can add the award to your blog!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!

  5. What a combination of flavors! I am going to have to give this a try.

  6. A lime muffin sounds so good! I love chocolate too. :)
    I have a serious sweet tooth but I have had to change certain things lately. I can't wait to check out your other recipes.
    Please stop by my blog, I have a surprise for you there.

  7. These look delicious! I love the idea of lime glaze!

  8. Hi Anna, a great tangy muffin to brighten your day!

  9. Key lime yogurt inside with the lime glaze outside would put a smile on my face, that's for sure. What a great treat.

  10. Oh... these look marvelous! All those delicious lime flavors - a winner!

  11. I haven't tried lime and yoghurt muffins, but they sound and look so very delicious! :)

  12. These sound delicious. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to follow you.

  13. I really like citrus and yogurt when it comes to muffins-great flavor and texture. Great item for breakfast or anytime-yum!
    Looking forward to the chocolate post!

  14. Anna this looks great.

    I am much better with curries than I am at baking but I am going to try this.

    Thanks for sharing.


  15. Glad it worked well even without the zest. Look forward to more chocolate recipes. I personally prefer dark chocolate and like eating it on its own. Of course I enjoy it in cakes, cupcakes, muffins, bread, ice cream, candy.... err almost anything with chocolate really :)

  16. Haha, dreaming of it! I love a nice piece of dark chocolate. It satisfies my sweet tooth and I don't need much.
    I love key lime flavor in these muffins, they look absolutely divine.

  17. Your cupcake looks lovely! I love key limes but I don't think so I can find key lime yogurt over here in France. But I'll try with lemon yogurt. Thanks for sharing your amazing recipes. Have lovely day. :)

  18. These cupcakes look seriously delicious - soft moist and perfectly divine :D

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