
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

Previously, on CCS:

Monday - waffle maker + chocolate chunk cookie dough = waffle chocolate chunk cookies and no oven on! Win win!

Tuesday - was about food photography props, spiral-cut hot dogs, cupcake bouquets and Downton Abbey. Tuesday Links and Things.

Wednesday - was all about moving this blog to it's new home. Have you seen it yet?

Thursday - was time for this month's Improv Challenge. Corn + butter = Brown Butter Brown Sugar Popcorn.

Friday - my dear foodie friend, Mary, stopped by with chocolate cupcakes. Talk about starting the weekend right! Vegan chocolate cupcakes with Mary from Inside a British Mum's Kitchen.

 For all of you Downton Abbey fanatics, the book I included in Tuesday Links and Things, is one of those books you won't be able to put down. It's not necessary a recap of the show, but the unveiling of how the idea came to live and what is the historical background behind it's characters and the story itself. It's available on Amazon. Absolutely fascinating!

You know how much I appreciate if someone makes the recipes I share and let's me know how they liked it. Tammi, from Momma's Meals, made TWO of my treats and shared it on her blog. Check it out to find out what she made! I think she did a fabulous job! Thanks, Tammi!

I hope you have some sweet plans for this weekend. I am going to work on moving my recipe index to the new site, photograph my new treats for the upcoming weeks and not let the heat get to me. Fun! :)

Have a fabulous weekend!


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  1. Anna, does this mean you won't be on Google connect anymore?

    1. Sweet, Ellen! Yes, that's correct. As soon I will redirect the blog definitely to WP, you will no longer see my posts on your Google Reader.. So sorry... :( I hope you will sign up for email updates on my new site! Thank you so much! xoxo

  2. Good luck with your transfer, not an easy task... I hope I can still see you when you move to Wordpress, I found it's not google friendly...

  3. Anna, I like your new site. It looks very sophisticated and sharp!!! This is a yummy wrap-up with all kinds of good things to try. Here's wishing you a fabulous weekend, my friend!

  4. Sounds like another great week!! Tammi is great. She made my chicken skewers last week. I'm going to go check out what she made of yours now. :) Have a Happy Sunday! ~ Ramona

  5. I just re-did my blog and, luckily I had a company do it but what a task after four years of posts and pics! Good luck.

  6. Thanks for working with me Anna! I'll be back to try more goodies!! Hope you had a great weekend!


Sweet thoughts