
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Brown Butter Brown Sugar Popcorn

 It's time for this month's Improv Challenge! If you are not familiar with this event, all participants get to make a dish including two ingredients the same for everyone. July's ingredients are corn and butter. I almost skipped the challenge this month as moving my blog to Wordpress is quite time-consuming. I still have the whole recipe index to move!But this popcorn was worth it!

 I have to say, it took me a loooong time to finally settle on the popcorn. I had cookies in mind for a while but this heat wave.... oh, this heat wave... I miss baking but I just can't make myself to turn the oven on! My Hubby is always there to advice me when I feel lost and popcorn was his idea. Frankly speaking, I am not a fan of popcorn. There would be different snacks I would choose before it. But this popcorn is actually pretty good! The nuttiness of brown butter is perfectly balanced by the sweetness of brown sugar. I made a big bowl for us to enjoy while watching the 1st season of Downton Abbey on DVD and it was gone before we knew it!

Brown Butter Brown Sugar Popcorn

1/4 c popcorn, popped
1/2 c butter
1 Tbsp brown sugar

I used air-popping machine to make my popcorn. I got a huge bowl full of it. It would be quite difficult for me to tell you how many cups that was, because it was disappearing fast! :)
Brown the butter in a small saucepan. Cool completely in a small bowl.
 Add brown sugar and stir until almost dissolved.
Pour over your popcorn.

If you are interested in participating and joining the Improv Challenge group, contact Kristen from Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker.
I hope you do, because it's always lots of fun!
Now hop on over to see what other participants made for this month's challenge!


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  1. I LOVE popcorn! I also have an air-popper and it's one of my favorite appliances ever! I've never had brown butter popcorn or your version, but I will certainly have to give it a try now!

  2. That looks delicious and so simple! Brown butter has the best flavor.

  3. This is really brilliant. I am totally making this.

  4. This will be a total hit here with the family...I've bookmarked it : )


Sweet thoughts