
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blue Ribbon Challenge { July } and a few questions answered..

It's time for our second Blue Ribbon Challenge!

The theme for this month was Semifreddo.

I hope you enjoyed it. We sure did! Why I haven't had this dessert before is beyond me! Sooo goood!

But, before we start the challenge, I wanted to explain few things, answer few questions regarding my move to self-hosted Wordpress.


I have been contemplating  moving my blog to self-hosted Wordpress site for few months. Originally, I was going to do that later this year. But, my Hubby and I decided to do this now for two reasons. Fall will be the start of the holiday season, when people bake the most. Making the move then, would be very messy and I would rather get use to my new site and the technical side of posting on Wordpress now so later I can simply focus on bringing you the quality content.

What if I am subscribed to e-mail updates from your Blogger site?

I migrated the feed from Blogger site to my new site on Wordpress, so there should not be any problems. I will be monitoring how the email updates go out and I will update you if any changes should occur. 

What about GFC ( Google Friend Connect )?

Wordpress does not have GFC so you won't be able to see my new posts in your Google Blog Reader.
I hope that despite all the changes, you will still visit Crunchy Creamy Sweet on it's new grounds. 
If there are any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section. 

You can participate in the Blue Ribbon Challenge by linking up your Semifreddo post on my new site. Click here to enter the challenge!


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  1. You will be so happy about the move, good thinking on the best time to do it! I'll definitely still be visiting :)

  2. Good luck with the move.

    BTW I can still see all wordpress updates in my Google blog reader!


Sweet thoughts