
Monday, June 11, 2012

CCC Monday: Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chip Cookies

 Happy Monday!

Today is going to be a little different. One, there is no recipe to share. Two, it's my Little Guy's 1st Birthday so I am totally distracted by this huge event.

I actually considered not posting CCC Monday today but I would hate to disappoint you.

So, I decided to share my notes on the recipe. I will revisit it again and then share it. In the meantime, if you would like to prove me wrong make it anyways, here is the link to it.

My notes:

1. It has been so humid here, in Kansas, that I have been having problems with my baking endevours.
2. The cookies came not even close to what they were supposed to look like and taste like.
3. They were so cakey, that not even sea salt sprinkled on top could save them.... :(
4. I blame it all on the humidity.... 

And this is what Momma does, when the Little Guy is napping.
Instead of laundry, of course. :)

I will be back tomorrow with a delicious recipe. This week, by the way, is going to be HUGE!!

Stay tuned. :)


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  1. I am sure I am way behind on commenting on this, but I love the new banner you have hear at CCS.

    Happy 1st Birthday to your little man, such a momentous occassion indeed and one you should enjoy fully Anna!

    Happy Monday :)

  2. Happy 1st Birthday to your Little One!!! What a beautiful darling you have there - love the picture of him sleeping :) Will you be posting pictures of the party? I would love to see them. Have a fabulous day celebrating and enjoying this special milestone!! - and than you for your lovely comment on my blog today; so sweet xo

    1. Hi Emily! I am planning on sharing few photos from our celebration. I hope it all turns out well. Thank you so much! xoxo

  3. It's a shame they didn't work out quite how you wanted them to, more excuse to make more! Enjoy the first birthday celebrations!

  4. Well seeing that sleeping angel, I do not blame you for taking time with the preparations for his birthday. Happy birthday to your little one!
    I am looking forward to your next post!

  5. happy birthday to your gorgeous little one!! I know what a milestone the 1st birthday is - congratulations!!
    Mary x

    1. I can't believe he is already 1! Thank you, Mary :) xo

  6. how sweet! happy birthday to your little boy! haha, i just love when we choose blogging over laundry! :) those cookie sound tasty!

  7. Happy Birthday to your little princes!
    Now I am ready for some chocolate cookies....any left? ;-)

  8. You know I'm not a scratch cookie baker... so I don't even know how the weather makes it hard to bake. How can you get anything done with that little angel sleeping so sweetly. I would want to watch him all day. :) Wishing him a Happy Birthday!! ~ Ramona

    1. Aww, thank you so much, sweet Ramona :) I always take pics of him when he is napping. Love him to pieces!!

  9. Happy birthday, to your little treasure!! I'm excited for this week :)

  10. He is so sweet Anna! Enjoy him while he's young! My youngest just passed 7 years yesterday! Big gator tears from Mom! I just checked the top of the post to check the date they share the same day! Happy Birthday to your little guy! Have a fantastic week sweetie!

  11. I would love to try baking these CCC too. It must be nice that you have a little me-time to do all these baking while your little guy is napping :D

  12. Happy Birthday to the real star.

    The best CCC I have made are King Arthur's Flour. I made Dorie's but don't remember what I thought.

  13. sorry the humidity wreaked havoc on your cookies! And HaPpY BiRtHdAy to your sweet little boy! He is beautiful! Hope you shared a wonderful day together! : )


Sweet thoughts