
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food Stories Award

Happy Tuesday!

Or should I say Tue-nday! It's Tuesday but it soooo feeeels like Monday....

Today is about a thank you and an award.

The BIG thank you goes to Kristina from Whipped, the cutest blog run by the cutest person ever! She just got a makeover and it's even sweeter than the one before.
Kristina's blog is filled with deliciousness like Reese's with peanut butter!

Kristina nominated me for the Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling! I feel so honored! Thank you so much, Kristina! xoxo

The rules of the award:

1. The nominee should visit the award site ( and leave a comment indicating that they have been nominated and by whom. (This step is so important because it’s the only way our judges will know who is being considered for the monthly award).

2. The Nominee should thank the person that nominated them by posting on their own blog & including a link to their blog.

3. Share one random thing about yourself in your blog post.

4. Select at least five other bloggers that you enjoy reading their stories and nominate them for the award. Include these nominees in your blog post.

5. Notify your  nominees by leaving a comment on their blog, including a link to the award site (


1. check

2. check

3. I hate jello - oh, wait, you already know that... ok, macarons intimidate me - umm, I've already said that.... Ace of Base songs still make me feel nostalgic - there we go! :)

4. I hereby nominate:

Tiffany from My Crowded Kitchen
Serena from Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch
Sarah from Baking Serendipity
Zoe from Baking For Happy Kids
Scarletta from Scarletta Bakes

5. in the works... :)

I will be back tomorrow with a delicious and super easy post. Stay tuned! :)


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  1. Ahh thanks so much, sweet Anna! You know I'm just passing it right back to you, right?! I'm serious.:) You make me laugh with your story telling. LOL I am so blessed that we found each others blogs. xoxox

    1. I feel the same about you, my friend! :) Thank you! xoxo

  2. Congratulations on your award, you deserve it =)) LOVE your new blog look, too!!! Have a great week, my friend =))

  3. Congrats on your well deserved award! Ha-yes, I feel the same way about macarons as well and those horrible parfait dishes with the green squares of jello I remember from school-gross. Have a great day.

  4. Congratulations, Anna! I always love visiting your blog :)

  5. Congrats on your award Anna!! :) I didn't even know what a proper macaron was until recently. I always thought the coconut variety was the only macaron. :)

  6. Thank you so much sweetie! You truly made the end of a some what rough day better! Have a fabulous week and I can't wait till Friday!

  7. Congratulation Anna on your award! You really deserve well for this award. Your blog is always very inspiring and very enjoying to read.

    Thanks for passing the award to me. I feel very appreciated :D

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Zoe :) I must be doing it right then. xoxo

  8. Congratulations on your award. You have some interesting recipes, I hope to try. In the meanwhile, I will just admire what you have here.

    1. Hi Casey! I hope you will like what you see. Thank you for stopping by!


Sweet thoughts