
Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Recap and a Happy New Year!

      My Dear Blog Friends,

The year nears it's end and it is common for the food bloggers to make a top list of their favorite post of the year.

Crunchy Creamy Sweet's first post was up in August - which is pretty late in a year, too late in my opinion to make a list of my top recipes. Don't get me wrong, I could go on and on about my favorite cookies, this amazing jam, or this divine sauce. :)

I decided to focus on what new this year brought me. It's a lot of it and it's amazing!

In June of this year, we welcomed our Baby Boy into the Family. He is so precious! Loves to giggle watching his Big Sisters making silly faces. :) It finally allowed my Amazing Hubby to get some boy's stuff ( think cars and bikes :) ) and me to add blue to our favorite colors!

We celebrated our oldest Daughter's birthday with a big bash this year. A lot of the treats I made for the party ended up being my first posts on this blog. I still kick myself for not taking the picture of the cake, which was Rapunzel's tower from "Tangled" and it looked amazing!

I started Crunchy Creamy Sweet shortly after and what a great experience that's been! I am very grateful for all of you who read it. You might think that triple digit number would be something to brag about, but for me every Follower / Fan is special and I thank you today for clicking the "Like" or "Follow" buttons. I notice each and every one of you. I try to respond to every comment you post. You encourage me to bake more and share it here, in my little sweet piece of the blogosphere.

Thank you: Serena ( my very first follower! ), desperatehousewifeinholland, Fran, Warren, Jennifer, Delightful Sweet Treats, Tina, Divine Dinner Party, Ramona, Christine, Chef Dennis, Kelly, Erin, Une Recette Une Minutte, S.V., Jay, Angie, Suzi, Teena Mary, Kim Bee, Renkli, Maggie and Lizzy!

Thank you Kim and Ann for keep coming back and leaving comments! Hugs!

Thank you to all the readers via e-mail!

And those who just happen to stumble upon my blog!

I hope you will have a wonderful time tomorrow, wherever you are, clinking the glasses toasting the New Year. May the New Year bring happiness and joy to your life! And lots and lots of sweetness! ( I will try to take care of that anyways :) ).

Happy New Year!

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  1. Happy New Year!! All the best for 2012 for you, your family and your lovely blog. :)

  2. Aw, you're so sweet, Anna!!! And I'm embarrassed that I wasn't an official follower...fixed that! Wishing you many more years of blogging...and can't wait to see your oldest daughter's birthday cake in 2012!!!

  3. Happy New Year - what a beautiful post! Really, really well done! I think you've had a terrific year and I can't wait to see what delicious treats you bring for 2012!

  4. Dearest Lizzy - fixed! :) Thank you thank you! xoxo

  5. What a wonderful post, and thanks for the shout out. I am loving your blog, its so fun to read and your photos are wonderful too. I am new to the blogosphere too, just started in October, and I am having some much fun with this. And, of course, I adorea your name, because it's my daughter's name. :-) Hope you have a very Happy New Year Anna!

  6. Love your blog!
    Nice finding you!
    Visit me at:

    Happy New Year!

  7. You brought a little sunshine to my day :)I am so thankful I found your blog..It feels like we've been on this road together of learning to blog! Happy New Years!

  8. Thanks for the shout out, so glad that you are in the blogger community! I have learned a few things as well as got some tasty recipes from you and I look forward to seeing your tasty posts in 2012. I wish you a Happy New year!

  9. Sweet Maggie - awww, thank you! I am so glad we found each other in the blogosphere! Cheers to sharing more recipes in 2012!

  10. Elpiniki - welcome to CCS! Thank you for the comment. I hope you like what you see here. :) Happy New Year!

  11. Dearest Serena - I will always be thankful for your support and I feel exactly the same way about us food-blogging together :) Happy New Year! xoxo

  12. Dear Tina - thank you for such a warm welcome to the community. It means a lot! Happy New Year!

  13. Congratulations Anna for all that you accomplished in 2010! May 2012 bring you joy, good health, excitement, fulfillment and much deliciousness! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  14. Dear Viviane! What an honor! I am speechless. Thank you so so much! Happy New Year!

  15. What a sweet post! Have a wonderful New Year!

  16. Happy New Year to you and your family! I look forward to sharing an entire 2012 with you and seeing everything you make. :)

  17. Wishing you and yours a very happy, healthy, and
    delicious New Year!

  18. Hi Ruth! Welcome to my blog. :) Happy New Year!

  19. S.V. - Thank you so much! Happy New Year!

  20. I'm one of those who just happened to stumble upon your blog, and I love it! Happy New Year!

  21. Lovely post. Thank you so much! Looking forward to your post in 2012. Happy New Year!

  22. I know what you mean about every follower/every comment meaning something...I still do a little happy dance with each and every one! :)
    Happy to meet you and Happy New Year, too!

  23. Dear Karen! Welcome to my blog! :) I say we make our happy dances the exercise of this year. :) Thank you so much! Happy New Year!

  24. Happy New Year Anna! You've had so much besides this wonderful blog to celebrate! Though I discovered your blog late in the year...I'm so happy I did. I look forward to see what you will be cooking up in the months to come. And I wish you a very happy, healthy and fun filled year! : )


Sweet thoughts