
Monday, November 14, 2011

Dulce de Leche Sauce

              Dulce de leche sauce fits perfectly in Fall's color scheme. It's rich caramel brown makes you feel cozy just by looking at it. Having it in your fridge gives you some comfort. It's smiling at you whenever you are thinking: "Hmm, this cake needs something.." or "This coffee would be so much better if I added..".

              In case you are wondering why the jar is only half way full - I had to test the sauce and one tablespoon just couldn't do it. :)  You will know what I mean when you make your own.

              Note:  This sauce is made totally from scratch. No canned condensed milk was used here.

 Dulce De Leche Sauce
adapted from Joe Pastry

1 quart of milk
1 cup white granulated sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda

Mix 1/4 cups of milk with baking soda and set aside. Pour the rest of your ingredients into a medium size saucepan. Cook over a medium heat until it boils. Whisk in the soda and milk mixture. It will foam up. Keep whisking until it calms down and let it cook for about 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. After it starts to turn the delicious brown color, it will take about 30 more minutes to cook. Stir the sauce every few minutes. Let cool. Pour into a jar and see how long it will last you :)

Great for ice cream, cakes and cupcakes. Yum!

Oh, what is that peaking in the background? Next post's feature maybe? :)

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